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Author Topic: The 2007 monetary value for the NRRPT on an hourly basis?  (Read 85775 times)

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  • Guest
  I first took the test in 1995 at the insistence of a house supervisor.   At that time the utility was seriously considering not hiring contract RPs that did not have the NRRPT.  Passing the test gave me a $1.50/hour raise at some sites; $1.00/hour at others and nothing at still other sites.  I got out of the field in 2002 and came due in the time I was out.  Came back in 2005, took the test again in 2006 and received a $1.25/hour raise.  I figure the value of the NRRPT to me at $16,000 over ten years.


  • Guest
I just recently passed the NRRPT (2-28-09) and honestly it was the most difficult test I have taken in years, I was truly surprised. The company I work for paid for the test (250, but only if you pass, you fail, your loss) and sent me to a prep course on site several months prior. I can say for me personally that the prep course had little value for me. As far as monetary value, the NRRPT is worth about 1400 to 1500 a year in additional pay at my plant.


  • Guest
I think that some off your best techs came up through the ranks of deconners with no degee's.

Also I have seen people who has passed the NAACP and are navy super intellegent and book smart that couldn't Dose rate a bag of trash!

What type of questions are on the NAACP exam? :P


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