Career Path > Resume & Interview
Interview questions:All the rope you need to hang yourself
It sounds like you have a handle on it. Good Luck.
--- Quote from: guppy on May 29, 2009, 06:55 ---Ahhhh, what is the sound of one hand clapping, Grasshopper?
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I once asked my wife that... She slapped me.
Wow! What a waste of time worrying about twisted questions! I want to tell you folks, I just had the interview of our (modern) lifetimes! I got a former sub CO, who did enough of the HR stuff to make it legal, but most of the interview was a real Captain having a challenging conversation with someone who he was possibly going to make an overture toward for joining his team.
I had five CO's during my Navy experience, some were better than others. Two were real LEADERS! That word, used in the purest form, requires caps throughout. This guy was a LEADER! Great interview, Great Guy, and I hope to join his team.
The only wobble in the plan is I don't feel good today, and had a tough time with a test that on any other day of the year I could have smoked. I passed the poss a couple months ago, and tests have always been a strong point of mine. In fact, I know I smoked three out of four sections, but I just couldn't concentrate on the first section. I probably should have had one more cup of Java before starting.
Even if I didn't pass the test, I enjoyed the interview, because I was asked real questions, by a real LEADER, and from there, we'll let the chips fall where they may.
ps. Any of you who have had the opportunity to work for a real LEADER (as well as less than leaders), know the ecstasy you feel when you meet a real one. Those who haven't had the experience, I hope you someday do!
--- Quote from: metoo on May 30, 2009, 03:53 ---Wow! What a waste of time worrying about twisted questions! I want to tell you folks, I just had the interview of our (modern) lifetimes! I got a former sub CO, who did enough of the HR stuff to make it legal, but most of the interview was a real Captain having a challenging conversation with someone who he was possibly going to make an overture toward for joining his team.
I had five CO's during my Navy experience, some were better than others. Two were real LEADERS! That word, used in the purest form, requires caps throughout. This guy was a LEADER! Great interview, Great Guy, and I hope to join his team.
The only wobble in the plan is I don't feel good today, and had a tough time with a test that on any other day of the year I could have smoked. I passed the poss a couple months ago, and tests have always been a strong point of mine. In fact, I know I smoked three out of four sections, but I just couldn't concentrate on the first section. I probably should have had one more cup of Java before starting.
Even if I didn't pass the test, I enjoyed the interview, because I was asked real questions, by a real LEADER, and from there, we'll let the chips fall where they may.
ps. Any of you who have had the opportunity to work for a real LEADER (as well as less than leaders), know the ecstasy you feel when you meet a real one. Those who haven't had the experience, I hope you someday do!
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So based on one interview, without ever having worked for the man OR having a conversation with someone who had worked for him you've decided this guy is a real LEADER? No one would ever buy me off that quickly but if you say so....
--- Quote from: metoo on May 30, 2009, 03:53 ---
ps. Any of you who have had the opportunity to work for a real LEADER (as well as less than leaders), know the ecstasy you feel when you meet a real one. Those who haven't had the experience, I hope you someday do!
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ecstasy.... ::)
must have been the alpha male pheromones....
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