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Re: Please help
« Reply #25 on: Jun 10, 2009, 09:47 »
Well said!


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Re: Please help
« Reply #26 on: Jun 10, 2009, 09:56 »
Here's why I'm unsympathetic....

I'm waiting for the comment along the lines of;
"I've decided to just put it all out there and let the chips fall where they may, and then move on from there."

My perception is you're coming to these forums looking to tap into the Navy tribal knowledge on these boards and find a way to "sea lawyer" yourself out of the security noose you fashioned for yourself, keep all your best options viable for yourself, and maybe pass along the accountability for your lies to someone else because they told you to lie.

Yes, I am trying to work out a plan that has the best chance of helping me.  What's wrong with that? If I don't help myself, how will be able to help others?

You may be only twenty years old but you are by no means stupid. Indeed you are smart enough to review a bunch of Navy Nuke threads and realize there is a gold mine of intricate Navy knowledge here that you may be able to take advantage of to futher your aims as outlined above. You present yourself as a duped recruit, we all have sympathy for duped recriuts. You present yourself as a kid with a juvenile record just trying to make good. We all have sympathy for juvenile delinquents, some of us were JD's.

But there's no remorse in your posts, only cold calculation of pros, cons, odds and outcomes. You want to join the Navy to save you from the mess you're in with pending homelessness etc., but you have determined that the Navy's standards for admission are too high, too unreasonable. Essentially, you display a FTN attitude and you're not even in the Navy yet. But perhaps you can show me where I've got you all wrong;

It's true, I would rather not be homeless. There are a lot of other, more important reasons why I joined the Navy.  One of them is to help people.  I have made some mistakes, have learned from each one, and now set on being a better person then I was.  I am not trying to take a nuke spot away from a more qualified person, because I know that when I am determined and have a goal I would like to attain, nothing stops me. 

What decision would that be?

I have said it in the previous post. I was about to join the Army, but decided that the Navy is a much better fit for me. I love to travel, ships and boats. Plus I'd rather not go to Iraq.  I hope I don't regret the decision to join the Navy. 

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Re: Please help
« Reply #27 on: Jun 10, 2009, 11:09 »
You know, not everyone who might have got in trouble when they were a kid or made some mistakes are a piece of s**t.  I really hope most people in the nuke community are not like you.

consider the idea that nukes are a demanding, exacting and arrogant group of people. if dealing with them on an internet forum is tough imagine dealing with them face to face and decide if that is where you want to be.

You obviously didn't pay attention when you surfed through the threads before starting this one. if you had you would have seen that some of us will be nice. :) some of us will try to give you their best insight. ;) some will be mean. :( some of us will turn you around, pull down your pants, take out a rusty box cutter, proceed to cut off your left butt cheek, put it in your hands and send you on your way. 8)

be prepared to see that last one a lot in your hopefully stellar nuclear career.
« Last Edit: Jun 10, 2009, 11:47 by Smart People »
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Re: Please help
« Reply #28 on: Jun 10, 2009, 11:12 »
We parked in front of a sign which said "customers parking only."

So I would love it if you told me, where in all of this I lacked integrity. Please

I was gonna go on about knowingly breaking obvious rules, disrespecting posters that tell ya what ya don't want to hear, etc. , but then I had one of my Zen moments, and realized it's all gonna be ok.... you will choose watertight hatch #1 , which leads to Bosun's Mate berthing and the BM3....

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Re: Please help
« Reply #29 on: Jun 10, 2009, 11:20 »
OK, I'm passing "unsympathetic" and approaching "hostile".

Yes, I am trying to work out a plan that has the best chance of helping me.  What's wrong with that? If I don't help myself, how will be able to help others?

How does that philosophy distinguish you in any way from a bank robber, car jacker, or drug dealer?  (I'll wait if you need some time to think it over.)  If these three sentences comprise your thought patterns, then I have just come to a much clearer understanding of why you are in the situation(s) that you are in.  If you haven't come up with an answer yet, I'll spoon-feed it to you:  What's wrong with the "best chance of helping me" is that it may cost someone else very dearly.  If you were to ever get stationed on a submarine, people's lives would depend on the things you do (and don't do); "helping me" can get somebody else killed - that's what wrong with it.  Sometimes the ONLY way to help others is by NOT helping yourself.

...  I have made some mistakes, have learned from each one, ...

Learned what?  To try to dodge accountability?  Why else would this conversation still be dragging on?  Let me make this simple for you:  There is some official paperwork out there that you put your name and a lie on.  Now, what are you going to do about that - fix it or dodge it?  Show me what you have "learned".

... because I know that when I am determined and have a goal I would like to attain, nothing stops me.

Well, nothing, except for those official government documents which are still bearing false information in your name.
« Last Edit: Jun 10, 2009, 11:38 by G-reg »
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Re: Please help
« Reply #30 on: Jun 11, 2009, 12:33 »
 I am a firm believer that people can change,sometimes for better,sometimes for worse.Unfortunately for you, in this world we live in we are judged and labeled by our actions,past, present and percieved future.
 You seem to be a smart guy if the NAVY is not going to happen on your terms and more college is not an option,think about the trades.Nothing wrong with being a plumber or electrician,just remember integrity is important what ever you choose.
 This thread reminds me of the story of the fence builder,35 years of building perfect straight fences.That one time with the sheep and now he is labeled.Never again to be called a fence builder.
 I wish you luck and godspeed in your future endevers,but I do hope you will not have the opportunity to build fences anywhere around someone close to me and mine.(labeling,like profiling,it might be wrong,but it usually is true)


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Re: Please help
« Reply #31 on: Jun 11, 2009, 12:47 »
OK, I'm passing "unsympathetic" and approaching "hostile".

How does that philosophy distinguish you in any way from a bank robber, car jacker, or drug dealer?  (I'll wait if you need some time to think it over.)  If these three sentences comprise your thought patterns, then I have just come to a much clearer understanding of why you are in the situation(s) that you are in.  If you haven't come up with an answer yet, I'll spoon-feed it to you:  What's wrong with the "best chance of helping me" is that it may cost someone else very dearly.  If you were to ever get stationed on a submarine, people's lives would depend on the things you do (and don't do); "helping me" can get somebody else killed - that's what wrong with it.  Sometimes the ONLY way to help others is by NOT helping yourself.

This is completely irrelevant to this situation.  Are you proposing that I withdraw from Navy, because I will kill people?

Learned what?  To try to dodge accountability?  Why else would this conversation still be dragging on?  Let me make this simple for you:  There is some official paperwork out there that you put your name and a lie on.  Now, what are you going to do about that - fix it or dodge it?  Show me what you have "learned".

I have already confessed all my lies to the investigator.  I don't see why I have to confess again

Well, nothing, except for those official government documents which are still bearing false information in your name.


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Re: Please help
« Reply #32 on: Jun 11, 2009, 12:54 »
 I am a firm believer that people can change,sometimes for better,sometimes for worse.Unfortunately for you, in this world we live in we are judged and labeled by our actions,past, present and percieved future.
 You seem to be a smart guy if the NAVY is not going to happen on your terms and more college is not an option,think about the trades.Nothing wrong with being a plumber or electrician,just remember integrity is important what ever you choose.
 This thread reminds me of the story of the fence builder,35 years of building perfect straight fences.That one time with the sheep and now he is labeled.Never again to be called a fence builder.
 I wish you luck and godspeed in your future endevers,but I do hope you will not have the opportunity to build fences anywhere around someone close to me and mine.(labeling,like profiling,it might be wrong,but it usually is true)

It's a tough situation I am in. I will have to start paying off student loans and other things, which I was planning to do with the Navy paycheck. If I get discharged, I will have to find a job fast and forget about school for awhile.  I really don't know what will happen.  I too hope it won't come to having to build fences for living.  Thanks for kind words

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Re: Please help
« Reply #33 on: Jun 11, 2009, 04:02 »
Ok - the "mom" in me has to jump in here and say - keep everything in perspective. You are 20 years old, you obviously are intelligent, and ambitious.  You have made some mistakes in the past, as we all have. There are always consequences of decisions we make - some good, and some not so good. If the consequences of your past actions eliminate you from the Nuke program, so be it. It is not the end of the world. There are many, many successful men out there (in this industry, and many others) that made bigger mistakes than you have, and recovered. If you have done everything you can to rectify your mistakes, then it is out of your hands.  Relax, stop worrying and go forward, one day at a time. I'll be praying for you.
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Re: Please help
« Reply #34 on: Jun 11, 2009, 08:11 »
.  I am blaming my recruiter, because I did what he told me to do and now I am in this position.  He said that everyone does it and noone gets caught, and if I did say something I could be disqualified.  If the Navy didn't have such strict standards, kicking people out for speeding tickets, maybe more people would have been honest.

See other thread about integrity.  You either have it or you don't, it can't really be taught, but it can be instilled.
By your logic, your speeding/parking ticket isn't your fault either....somebody sold you a car that is capable of exceeding the speed limit...not your fault....etc.
Your situation is exactly the problem that today's military is dealing with...less than 20% of all graduating high school seniors are eligible to serve due to problems like this.  Should the military lower its standards to accomodate today's youth?  I think not.  Sorry, you made your choices, now you have to live with the consequences....that's the way the grown-up world works.  Best of luck.
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Re: Please help
« Reply #35 on: Jun 11, 2009, 08:34 »
I really hope most people in the nuke community are not like you.
You're in for another rude awakening!  Most people in the Navy have standards....and if you get in (I agree with Justin...I think you've still got a shot) you'll have to live up to those standards.  In the military, you're opinion of how good of a person you are won't matter much to anybody else.  You're gonna have to prove it.  And with a history like yours, you'll have a lot to prove. 
Stay the course and take whatever comes your way.  Don't take this stuff personally...everyone is actually trying to get your thinking in-line with the organization that you want to join.  If I was you, I'd print this stuff out and keep it with me.  Read it occasionally to help you remember other people's first impression of you.  Do you want to carry that impression with you?  If not, that's a good indicator that you should change your attitude from a defensive position to one that's a little more accepting of the consequences for you actions. 
The ball is in your court.  Let's see how you play.  And, by the way, you really should make sure that you fix the paperwork.  That investigator is not gonna take care of it for you.  And it's just gonna cause more problems for you later.

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Re: Please help
« Reply #36 on: Jun 11, 2009, 08:41 »
This horse is dead......

Thread locked.
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