I'll tell you this, I spent a few days crawling around on the floor building scaffold on the snubber's at Quad Cities, and was on the crew that built scaffolding to repair the polar crane at Clinton.
I lived in the condenser at Byron for two outages.
I built scaffold for hydro lasing in the torus at Clinton.
I lost a new pair of Red Wing boots at Dresden to being crapped up and not cleanable. (that tech didn't think the sticky pads worked well).
I hope this gives me some insight into the mindset of workers to allow me to connect.
I'm a true believer in behavior based safety.
As a Safety Professional...if you cannot convince them to keep those Safety glasses on after you walk away, your done before you start.
Radiation workers as a whole have a 1000X better attitude towards safety than most Wind Power employees.
That's where all the Cowboys moved to!
With that said, I only ask for a return of the respect I show in any given situation.
People worry entirely to much about how much the other "person" is or isn't working.
If we all go home at night knowing we did our best, nobody is lacking.
I won't go into good/bad Rad Techs..I don't remember enough names vs. nicknames on here