No. We're not confusing anything. The poster wants to be a nuke AND a rescue swimmer. His only chance at that is to be on a submarine. The rescue swimmers on submarines are chosen from among the handful of qualified Navy Divers assigned to the ship. Maybe you never noticed it but there are actual Divers (who wear the pin) on every ship in the Navy, but the skimmers don't necessarily limit this duty to Divers.
Wrong. There is a diver requirement for each boat, BUT those boats that only go in and out one port (boomers) are only required to carry the minimum, I think that it is one. The diving on these boats is done by the diver team stationed to those bases. The rescue swimmers on my boat were NOT divers, nothing even close, they are separate qualifications. From, notice no mention of a navy divers.
Making the Grade as a Navy Rescue Swimmer
Story Number: NNS090114-05
Release Date: 1/14/2009 10:59:00 AM
By Clark Pierce, Jax Air News
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (NNS) -- The Rescue Swimmer School (RSS) at Naval Air Station Jacksonville (NAS Jax) provides rigorous training and significantly contributes to fleet readiness.
"The U.S. Navy Rescue Swimmer School (RSS) at NAS Jax impacts fleet readiness virtually around the world," said Lt. Thomas Doane, officer in charge. "Our classes are filled with Sailors from as far away as Japan, Hawaii and San Diego – and as close as Mayport and Norfolk."
RSS teaches three courses:
• CAT 1 – a four-week course for surface (ship-borne) swimmers that teaches basic lifesaving procedures and how to use lifesaving equipment. Doane explained, "Each Navy ship is required to have two qualified rescue swimmers on board before it can pull away from the pier – so our graduates are considered 'mission essential.' Their training is centered on the J-bar davit, which is the apparatus on a ship's foc'sle that lowers and raises rescue swimmers."
• CAT II – a two-week refresher course for surface and aviation rescue swimmers whose careers took them away from the water for more than a year. "Before they can come back to fill that billet again, we outfit them, make sure they're physically fit, and run them through any updated procedures," said Doane.
• Aviation SAR (search and rescue) Petty Officer Course teaches senior enlisted how to plan and document training and evaluations of rescue swimmers in their helicopter squadron or wing.