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Offline SpeedOften

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EM denied NPTU Balston Spa... now where do I go?
« on: Aug 10, 2009, 04:58 »
Sent a package to go up to Balston Spa and they denied it (lower half / lower half) plus my last eval was the only one above the summary group average despite all of them being MP's...  The detailer has given me these two options so far...

NRMD Norfolk..

I'm not a "seller",  so I don't think recruiting would be a good job for me...I don't think I'd be very good at it and I'm worried that I'll end up spending all my time at the office and not be home - I'm married w/ two little ones...   

I know next to nothing about NRMD... The position I was offered was that of a non-radcon worker?  What's life like for both?

I was told that I could resubmit a package for NPTU in 6 months which would put me underway to the other coast and give me another eval as well as a chance to be an SO or if I was reaaaaaly lucky, a LD (2 boards away) for an ORSE.  But that it would still be a toss up whether I was accepted.  I went to RE32 after two years being on board and I'm definitely seeing that I shot myself in the foot by saying, "yes, that sounds like fun". 

The reason I'm considering the extension on board for going to NPTU is b/c I don't mind walking our junior guys around and teaching them stuff... going through procedures and drawings and all that stuff... I kinda enjoy it - I'm not an ass about teaching which I see a lot of senior EM's sometimes are.

The other issue is that I had really wanted to be in the North East, which is why I asked for NY instead of Charleston.

Thanks for all your advice...


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Re: EM denied NPTU Balston Spa... now where do I go?
« Reply #1 on: Aug 10, 2009, 05:54 »
I have some friends working for NRMD Radcon.  They seem to like it enough.  Thing is, the submarine tenders are going USNS and the public shipyards are supplying the manning (NRMD blue shirts).  You will spend some time in Diego Garcia (that little island with the airstrip on Transformers 2) if you go to NRMD Norfolk.

In a way you could feel lucky not going to prototype.  A lot of my buddies headed to shore duty this year aren't getting a choice in the matter.  P-type or another ship for them.

Offline SpeedOften

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Re: EM denied NPTU Balston Spa... now where do I go?
« Reply #2 on: Aug 10, 2009, 06:05 »
what would I be doing at NRMD as an EM? Is it only for Nukes or can conventional EMs take it as well?
« Last Edit: Aug 10, 2009, 07:19 by SpeedOften »

Offline Harley Rider

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Re: EM denied NPTU Balston Spa... now where do I go?
« Reply #3 on: Aug 10, 2009, 07:36 »
Sent a package to go up to Balston Spa and they denied it (lower half / lower half) plus my last eval was the only one above the summary group average despite all of them being MP's...  The detailer has given me these two options so far...

NRMD Norfolk..

I'm not a "seller",  so I don't think recruiting would be a good job for me...I don't think I'd be very good at it and I'm worried that I'll end up spending all my time at the office and not be home - I'm married w/ two little ones...   

I know next to nothing about NRMD... The position I was offered was that of a non-radcon worker?  What's life like for both?

I was told that I could resubmit a package for NPTU in 6 months which would put me underway to the other coast and give me another eval as well as a chance to be an SO or if I was reaaaaaly lucky, a LD (2 boards away) for an ORSE.  But that it would still be a toss up whether I was accepted.  I went to RE32 after two years being on board and I'm definitely seeing that I shot myself in the foot by saying, "yes, that sounds like fun". 

The reason I'm considering the extension on board for going to NPTU is b/c I don't mind walking our junior guys around and teaching them stuff... going through procedures and drawings and all that stuff... I kinda enjoy it - I'm not an ass about teaching which I see a lot of senior EM's sometimes are.

The other issue is that I had really wanted to be in the North East, which is why I asked for NY instead of Charleston.

Thanks for all your advice...

I noticed from your post that you are not qualified senior in rate per the NPTM requirements that all nuclear trained personell will be qualified senior in rate within 24 months after reporting on board. That could very well be the reason your detailer is offering you less than desirable assignments. Quite frankly I can't see how they can transfer you without being SIR qualified. I am assuming that you are are on Enterprise and your division is RE-23 (3 planter) not RE-32 unless things have changed convention since I left. Although I have never been to NRMD or a detailer I have heard they both have advantages but are mostly outweighed by the disadvantages. Some may like it but most I met or know did not. My advice is stay at sea, qualify senior in rate, get yourself in a leadership position (preferably LPO) and get some good evals. They will waiver you then for prototype because if your good your chain of command has ways of pushing your waiver through.

Good Luck
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Offline SpeedOften

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Re: EM denied NPTU Balston Spa... now where do I go?
« Reply #4 on: Aug 10, 2009, 07:43 »
I'm not on the prise... I'm on the Vinson.
I am qualified SIR... SIR is Shutdown RO for A4W EM's.. Being a Load Dispatcher is like an extra layer of icing on the cake...
And RE-32 is "three plant" - I'm in charge of Vib analysis, Meter cal and tool control, along with RE supply.  

I don't forsee any chance of me getting an LPO position as a EM2, when we have 10 EM1's...
« Last Edit: Aug 10, 2009, 07:51 by SpeedOften »


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Re: EM denied NPTU Balston Spa... now where do I go?
« Reply #5 on: Aug 11, 2009, 04:33 »
If you are planning on getting out of the Navy after your shore duty, go for NRMD.  I haven't been stationed there, but I am pretty sure that the electricians assigned there are in charge of maintaining and issuing the switchgear testing equipment.  You will also have plenty of time to work on a degree (very tough to do at prototype), get more time with your family, and when your EAOS approaches, you will have plenty of time off for job hunting.  If you love the Navy and want to stay in, I would recommend staying at sea long enough to get LD (and PPWS if possible) then heading to prototype or NPS. 


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