Career Path > Resume & Interview
Interview dress code
The interview went well, but I was not selected for the position. It was a good learning experience, since I had no clue as to what a company would ask during an interview for this type of position. However, I have another interview next week and I feel a lot more prepared.
what did you wear to the interview you had?
Study BEI interview questions for the next one. Google it if you have to.
--- Quote from: IPREGEN on Sep 20, 2009, 06:51 ---what did you wear to the interview you had?
--- End quote ---
I passed on the anti-c's of course :), and wore gray slacks, a nice button down long sleeve shirt, and black dress shoes. The worst part of the interview was the fact that the management was not willing to consider my navy ELT/RCSS background as "on the job experience". However, I feel extremely confident about my next interview.
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