Lastest note from the Physicists to the RCT's. The calculations are in (theory) of just how powerful these 20 megajoules shots will be next year. This is only in reference to the neutrons released from the fusion process, gammas not taken into account. The are only working with a tritium/deuterium target smaller then the eraser on a pencil, and of course, the efficiency is not at 100% fusion conversion of the target, yet, in the large rooms surrounding the target chamber, the total neutron dose in the 50 billionth of a second laser shot would produce a doses over thousands of rems. (In the actual target area, it reaches in the millions of rems.) Yes, if a person was in the outer room (they have safety measures to prevent this) they would get a dose to kill delivered in 50 billionth of a second. I bet they will not have a problem with insects or mice in there. In defense of this, where much is expected, there will be risks. It was the same with the development of fission. It kills the notion of a tiny "Mr. Fusion" like in "Back to the Future" because the neutrons are the hazard, not the fusion temperature.
On the other hand, look at the power coming out of essentially hydrogen isotopes. If you surround the target with U238 in spent fuel, you will get high energy fission which, of course, will get further neutron flux from the fissioning U238, and we solve our waste fuel disposal problems while getting real power for our country out of what now is waste. Whatever fusion system results, safety shielding will always be the prime consideration on how small you could make it, much like a conventional fission reactor is now.