Not too easily, some here in a fusion vs. fission posts get off on a tangent of Superheated steam at Nuclear plants. Must focus on job at hand. The fusion plants are not recreating science, just taking it to the next level. Everyone know the binding energy per nucleon chart. Deuterium/Tritium to Helium releases more energy than splitting U235. We don't have to mine deuterium and put it through centifuges and then only get 3% enrichment, tossing out the other 97%. Its all burnable and when we use spent fuel for more energy what a deal. I do have a fusion joke. What was the motto for fusion in 1955 "Fusion power in 50 years." The motto in 2006: "Fusion power in 50 years." Good mottos are hard to change.
1. There is an electric-powered separation process for deuterium, it doesn't just bubble up from a well in Calistoga. Your fuel source is not without front-end cost.
2. Reprocessing trans-uranics works just fine in the countries that don't have Jimmy Carter.
3. Fission of uranium worked for free with just water and uranium ore at Oklo Nature almost always has the answer's to science's questions, whether aerodynamics or high-energy physics. Oddly enough billions of stars started up just fine without 192 gazillion lasers.
4. Since we are mouth-breathers without PhD's, here is a link to a PhD written article from a quarter century ago about the electric origins of fusion with neutron fluence as a result in lightning., Tokamaks and their next generations are multi-billion dollar boondoggles. Assuming that fusion can ONLY happen with massive cramdowns of magnetism,heat and laser energy would be similar to Fermi assuming uranium can ONLY fission with a stream of high-energy neutrons from a spallation source in a pulse reactor. Yet, physics science accidentally found that U
235 has a higher probablity from a lower energy thermal neutron.
Of course, this is all crap because I don't have a degree at all. I'll get back to my moppin' now, suh....