You don't know the power of the force, it is much more powerful than fission on a weighted basis. Every time you use your PC, cell phone and other microprocessors thank the Moon program. We will someday return when we have people in office with the right vision to know the Earth will fill up and we need the ultimate "elbow room."
From Fusion research we will get: High powered lasers to knock out incoming ICBMs (In the x ray to gamma ray range.) If you don't think gamma lasers could do it, think of natural occurring gamma ray bursts from 100 light years away could wipe out all life on Earth. Lucky for us no supernovas that close and aimed at us have ever happened in our galaxy. You get a methods to verify nuclear weapons without underground testing. You get methods to burn spent fuel. When developed, you get power without greenhouse gases. The supply of energy is essentially unlimited, we have millions of years of fuel available, long after we burn our last fossil fuel. You are able to compliment the research on the operation of stars to add to what we find with the super-colliders in Europe. Finally we can be like England and slowly fade away on the world scene as we give up on research and development or be on the forefront of technology and have the jobs here, not in China. There are hundreds of others uses which have yet to be discovered. Rome fell partially because they thought their technology would last forever and the Barbarians spent money on R & D and eventually overwhelmed Rome. We are the modern equivalent of Rome, even about 1/3 of our language, our republican form of government etc. came from Rome. Let us learn from their mistakes so our arsenal of democracy will last forever!
Those of you who think it is a waste of money, what are we going to do when fossil fuels start to run out? Even if you think it is a waste of time now, it will be needed by necessity someday. Why make your grandchildren suffer from out lack of foresight to see the coming end of the fossil fuels and we did nothing to prevent it.