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Cool NukeWorker Videos
« on: Sep 24, 2009, 08:21 »
I just wanted to share with everyone the wonderful animated videos that our UK friend at IonActive has been producing.  This particular video that I will give the link to is not only informative for Radiation Protection (RP) NukeWorkers, but all NukeWorkers.  It is about radiation dose and the units and what they mean.  I learned all of this from the Moe book, but if I had seen this video while in nuclear school, I would have been way ahead of the game way back then.  It is the best explanation of this subject that I have ever seen.  Since I have never been tasked to do internal organ dose calculations, it even firmed up a few things for me, after 30 years in the field of RP (or HP or RadCon or Radiation Safety). 

My current coworkers and I receive GET training, but we don’t have film badges because we never even visit the site.  They are interested, as computer programmers for the whole nuclear process at our site, to know more on the radiation subject.  When they all saw the video, they all loved it for how much they learned.  It is that good for bringing the subject down to the untrained.

Nuff said.  Here is the link to the radiation dose video: 
It is Media Player format, so to get to “Full Screen View,” right click in the middle of the little video player on the page and select “Zoom/Full Screen.”  To return to the page, hit “Esc” on your keyboard.

The other videos on the LINEAC (CAT and CT scanners), Radiation Shielding, etc. are also very good, especially for Radiation Protection type NukeWorkers.  The links to them are below the little video player on the page that you go to when you click the link that I posted.


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Re: Cool NukeWorker Videos
« Reply #1 on: Sep 25, 2009, 12:22 »
 :) :) :) :) Ray thanks for sharing this with us. It waseat learned a few things myself or it jogged them out of my grey matter, Thanks Brad


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