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Author Topic: Exelon Training  (Read 6188 times)

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Exelon Training
« on: Dec 23, 2009, 10:43 »
Hello all,

Let me start by first introducing myself, since this is my first post.  My name is Dom and am currently an Ex-Navy/ELT, having separated after 6 wonderful years on boomers, finally leaving as EWS-EDPO/LELT qualified MM1/SS.  After EAOS, I continued in college and ended up in the fire service in suburban Chicagoland with 3 different A.A.S.'s and a B.A. in management (gotta love that GI BILL).  As of recently, I, seemingly like many others, am feeling the itch to get back in the nuke field.  Since I am currently scheduled to test and interview (EO) with Exelon in the coming weeks, my question is.... once hired (that is a separate hurdle), what is the first year of training really like?  I am told there is four months of classroom followed by eight additional months of OJT.  Is there any significant failure rate in this pipeline?  What does the curriculum consist of?  I just want to be sure I am making an informed decision and really know what I am getting myself into, as I will be leaving a career as it is.  Any information you can offer up, either specific to this situation or general would be greatly appreciated.

I do apologize for the shotgun approach here, but I have searched the forums and have never really seen anything directly addressing this part of the process. I have, of course, reviewed everything regarding test and interview preparation, and would like to pass along my thanks as well to all those who have offered up their insight and experiences to those looking to join your ranks.



Offline navsteve

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Re: Exelon Training
« Reply #1 on: Dec 24, 2009, 01:58 »
Which plant are you interviewing at?


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Re: Exelon Training
« Reply #2 on: Dec 24, 2009, 02:12 »


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