there wuz a brand new stewardess, just outta stew school, 'n her first flite wassa round trip cross country with a lay over between legs.
da pilot, when he found out it wuz her furst time, told her not to worry, he'd make sure she'd be ok.
'n he did, when they got two da layover, he took her to the hotel where da crew stayed, got her checked in 'n how to do da billing back to the airline, showed her where da restaurant wuz, da bar, where da cabs were two go shopping. everything she kneaded to have a relaxing evening inna strange town. he made sure she new dat da crew wuz to bee at da airport @ 6 am 'n left her to go on his own.
da next mourning, while dune prelim work on da flight, he noticed she wuzzant their. he called her room 'n she answered in tears.
he asked, "didn't you remember that you were to be her at 6?"
"yes" she cried, "butt i can't get out of the room!"
"you can't get out of the room" he asked?
"no, there's only 3 doors!"
"why can't you get out of the room, what 3 doors are you talking about" he asked wit exasperation.
"theirs 3 doors! 1 is for the bathroom, 1 is for the closit, and 1 is marked 'do not disturb' !"