Congratulations to VY. Now work it out with the state.
Breaking news from the Brattleboro Reformer,
It is being reported that there are Major traffic accidents involving Saabs and Volvos as activists try to leave the state and head for the state liquor store in Hinsdale NH. As told to this reporter by one activist leaving the state, “I need to get all the booze I possibly can to null the pain our federal government has inflicted upon us today.”
It is anticipated that possibly hundreds of ex-hippy type trust fund babies that made their way to southern Vermont back in the 1970s will soon be evacuating the area for safer shores such as those on Long Island Sound where the risk of nuclear disaster is far less of a concern. When this reporter tried to explain to one ex-hippy type that there are nuclear plants located near Groton CT, it’s response was, “Our next goal will be to shut down the Millstone reactors starting with Unit III." At that point of the conversation I had to give up as there was no reasoning with the individual.
It is this reporters hope that one day all the ex-hippy type trust fund babies, draft dodging, rat tailed beings will hop into their Saabs, Volvos, and a few Subarus and head back to the land of their youth thus giving Vermont back to Vermonters.