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Author Topic: DOE & Commercial Power Plant Work Force Integration  (Read 7909 times)

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Offline Rennhack

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I just read a posting by Bartlett in the job board, that I found interesting.  What do you think about it?

Bartlett is in the unique position to offer year round work for Senior Health Physics Technicians starting now. Hanford & Savannah River Site have both agreed to work with Bartlett to schedule technicians to be able to report to their sites for training and work, transfer out to work the outage season, and return upon completion of the outage assignment. Duration consists of a minimum commitment of 11 cumulative months work at the Hanford site.

The integration of workers assigned to long term projects into short term outage support is a tried and true practice that gives the individual not only the long term benefit of a steady income but also the benefit of outage work. We evaluated key areas to determine impact on technician benefits and put the frequently asked questions on the Hanford Blog of the Bartlett website. The Savannah River blog site with a list of FAQ’s should be up and running by the end of the week

Significant Benefits include:

Ability to manage insurance costs by limiting COBRA exposure
Accruement of vacation time will continue thru transition period
Stability of long term work supplemented by outage overtime

If qualified SHP or RCT, available for long & short term work, and interested in more details contact our office – 800-225-0385 and ask for recruiting or send your resume to

Personally, If I was a single guy again, doing the SR. HP thing, I would jump on this.

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Re: DOE & Commercial Power Plant Work Force Integration
« Reply #1 on: Jul 22, 2009, 12:14 »
Me too.  Looks like some folks are thinking about the big picture here.
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Offline Dave Warren

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Re: DOE & Commercial Power Plant Work Force Integration
« Reply #2 on: Jul 22, 2009, 12:32 »
Outages and then go to South Carolina?

You'd have to be drunk not to jump on this game.....or married.

Offline retired nuke

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Re: DOE & Commercial Power Plant Work Force Integration
« Reply #3 on: Jul 22, 2009, 12:38 »
Once again, Blue's large scale allows them to negotiate a deal that benefits both - and the roadies can have a home....and the road. ;D
Now how to get the summer off...... ;)
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Re: DOE & Commercial Power Plant Work Force Integration
« Reply #4 on: Jul 22, 2009, 12:39 »
Wow, sounds like a great plan if one were inclined to take the opportunity.  I know that if I were still working in the U.S. and as a single gent this would definately appeal to me. 8)
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Re: DOE & Commercial Power Plant Work Force Integration
« Reply #5 on: Jul 22, 2009, 02:52 »
I asked for this after my wonderful 14 day outage at surry last spring.  The upside would be if it comes from Bartlett maybe your benefits will stablize between the two locations and money stability.   The only downside is if you don't live in the DOE site area, or like 51 + miles away, you never get home again.   I would take it myself if I did not already have a semi-permanent job now.    It shows somebody is thinking there at Bartlett.     I wonder if juniors can get in on this, what a way to quickly move to 3.1.


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Re: DOE & Commercial Power Plant Work Force Integration
« Reply #6 on: Jul 22, 2009, 04:51 »
I hate to sound negative (and this may be a non-issue), but how does the Union at Hanford figure into this?  If you leave Hanford to work at another facility will the Union hold a spot for you (or fill it with a member currently paying dues)?  And how does "seniority" fit into this (which means a lot at Hanford).  This isn't mentioned in the "Blog", but should be a concern.

Offline Mike_Koehler

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Re: DOE & Commercial Power Plant Work Force Integration
« Reply #7 on: Jul 22, 2009, 05:25 »
In the past at Hanford, the Bartlett folks were carried on a different list (as Temps )(not part of the main seniority list) and were laid off before the Techs on the main list. There also were issues with OT. For all you people thinking about these opportunities make sure you ask all the pertinent questions or don't whine later about not being told everything... :o :o Many techs were disgruntled on a previous go round when they discovered that they would only get OT after allof the non bartlett techs had been asked......

disclaimer: I am not currently associated with the work groups that are looking at temps and don't know what the language of the current contract is, just commenting on past practices......


« Last Edit: Jul 23, 2009, 02:42 by Mike_Koehler »
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Offline Eric_Bartlett

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Re: DOE & Commercial Power Plant Work Force Integration
« Reply #8 on: Jul 23, 2009, 10:32 »
I hate to sound negative (and this may be a non-issue), but how does the Union at Hanford figure into this?  If you leave Hanford to work at another facility will the Union hold a spot for you (or fill it with a member currently paying dues)?  And how does "seniority" fit into this (which means a lot at Hanford).  This isn't mentioned in the "Blog", but should be a concern.

I have forwarded your question/comments to my Mgr in charge of the Hanford contract and asked him to address the issue on the blog site.

Do not hesitate to raise any other questions so i can have them addressed.

Thank you,

The opinions & views expressed by me are mine and mine alone and may not reflect those of the company.


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