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Bill Gates, Nuclear Power Proponent???

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Rather Hunt Than Tech:
Interesting.......... Toshiba owns Westinghouse.  Here is a link to an article in the Pittsburgh Tribune Review ( one of the two major newspapers in the Pittsburgh area ) about Westinghouse and there current reactor designs including designs for small reactors.

Here is a link to another article about Bill Gates and reactors.

I hope the reactors don't need as many patches as a new version of Windows does.  There, I was the first to joke about it.

Motown homey:

--- Quote from: Rather Hunt Than Tech on Mar 23, 2010, 01:07 ---I hope the reactors don't need as many patches as a new version of Windows does.  There, I was the first to joke about it.

--- End quote ---

I can just see the "PC" guy in the Mac vs PC commercials standing there in PCs trying to decon a user while the Mac stands on the outside of a posted CA saying, "You missed another spot.".

As funny as it is to slam Microsoft, we are talking about an unbelievably rich man putting his money where he thinks it will produce a decent return and make him even wealthier. The fact that he is putting it into Nuclear Power is by far the best news that I have heard for the (hopefully) coming revival of the American Nuclear Industry.

Whatever you think of Windows, if you don't think Bill Gates is a savvy business man you just aren't paying much attention.

I just hope that the reactor's SCADA doesn't run on Windows ME with the annoying Help file paperclip zooming in.....  >:(


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