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Author Topic: A summer question  (Read 6123 times)

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A summer question
« on: Jun 30, 2006, 12:42 »
Hello I am completely new to the nuke world. I am a valve tech by trade and have locked in a job with Atlantic this fall but the job I was hoping to ride until then did not work out and I was wondering what if any companies handle stuff during the summer months. I know this is the dead time of year and while I could more than likely get with another valve shop I could not do so  knowing I won't be there that long (Atlantics offer was to good) but at the same time my wallet won't hold out and unemployment is doubtful. Any advice would be helpful, willing to do all plant types not just nukes.



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Re: A summer question
« Reply #1 on: Apr 29, 2010, 01:13 »
It looks like you haven't received many responses

Atalantic Group, now know as DZ Atlantic is only one company that uses valve techs.

Newport Nuclear and Crane are two others that offer outage work for valve techs.

Foster Wheeler provides craft to FPL Fossil on an as needed basis which may be at anytime of the year.

Hope that this helps.


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