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Just finished SGPO interview @ Browns Ferry
« on: Apr 21, 2010, 05:22 »
Just wanted to put some information out there for future reference on the TVA SGPO position interview since I couldn't find very specific details through search.

Quick background.

I applied for the SGPO position at Sequoyah and Browns Ferry at the end of 2008.  Took my EEI exams in November.  Received results from my test around Feb. of 2009 and then another letter a few months later stating the position had been cancelled at Browns Ferry.  Never heard anything from Sequoyah.  Anyways a long story short I was contacted March of 2010 asking if I was still interested in the position and about a month later I interviewed.  I had already given up on the position but I was glad to be contacted.

The interview process was pretty easy/simple in my opinion.  I walked in and they went over the complete job description, asked if I could handle the tasks, and then I was ask 5 pretty simple questions.  They mainly focussed on team/leadership skills and ability to follow and use directions.  Then they asked why they should hire me.  Probably one of the easiest interviews I have been through.  I'm not going to post specifics but they had moved the start date of the positition up a few months and said I would know something in a week.  From what I have heard this isn't typical for TVA.  Still haven't heard from the interview but it has only been two days.  Just trying to give my experience while it was fresh on my mind.

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Re: Just finished SGPO interview @ Browns Ferry
« Reply #1 on: Apr 21, 2010, 09:01 »
Glad to hear it went well (btw TVA sure takes forever). I wanted to go to Sequoyah, but TVA doesn't allow folks from the fossil side into the nuclear program. So I just interviewed with Southern. It went well. Now just waiting for that call.


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Re: Just finished SGPO interview @ Browns Ferry
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2010, 11:12 »
Well I received the call this week and I'm in...going Monday to do my medical :)


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Re: Just finished SGPO interview @ Browns Ferry
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2010, 04:15 »
That is great news for you...congrats!...but not so good for me. I interviewed last month also, and I have not received a call.  :( Do you think they have called everyone that is getting hired already? Or is there still a chance for me?


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Re: Just finished SGPO interview @ Browns Ferry
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2010, 04:25 »
I really don't know but I know our tentative start date is June 28 and there were several guys there yesterday doing the medical....


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Re: Just finished SGPO interview @ Browns Ferry
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2010, 04:27 »
Ok. thanks. I just realized that the other forum I posted on is yours as well. They told me in the interview that the start date would be end of June, but they also said that I would know something by the end of the next week. It has been over a month now, and I haven't heard anything. I emailed the chattanooga office where my invitation to interview was sent from a couple of weeks ago and she told me that they were still deciding. I emailed again last week and she never replied.


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