Career Path > Resume & Interview


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--- Quote from: a_robinson2001 on May 01, 2010, 10:21 ---Thanks for the info it really helped. I interviewed and was told that I should hear something by the end of this coming week. I am going to keep my fingers crossed.  :D

--- End quote ---

Good luck, but if I could make a suggestion.  Don't give up your job search untl the job actually happen.


Does anyone know how long it usually takes for HR to get back to someone? The start date is June 7th and I interviewed last week and still I haven't heard anything!

Unpredictable, especially if its exelon. Call them.

Well the start date is June 7th so I thought that this would move quickly, but I guess they have a couple of weeks to spare. I actually e-mailed the recruiter on Friday and I plan on calling on Tuesday if I do not here anything. Thanks again for the info!


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