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Where are all the Techs?

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At INEEL for 6 months ???

Dave Warren:
5-10's until December 2005, as we knock this place to the ground, and return this baby back to its original state. Passing out dosimetry and doing reports all day for a grand a week. Life is good at the West Jefferson, Ohio Battelle site. Personally, I like my job outlook to be expressed in months or years, not in days(outage). Long-term DOE work is the wave of the future, gypsies. Get on board.

Holy Late To The Game Batman, DOE has been the wave of the future...for at least the last 12 years! By the way, how is the old West Jeff site? Worked between there and King Ave between 1992 and 1996. Hard to believe this job is still going on. Lot of history there, trust me on that one.  Who's still left out there from the old days?

Dave Warren:
12 years the DOE has been the wave of the future?
You couldn't detect that by some of the posts I see. To each their own.

We just knocked JN-6 (guardshack) to the ground yesterday. It went from 25 feet high to 4 feet high in about 10 minutes. The old-timers you may remember who are still here:

Glenn Henderson, Jim Hallgren, Dave Garber, Paul Adams, Tex Carr, Dan Stehly, Forrest Lohner, Jim Hoffman, Steve Schmucker.

Jim Gerhart, Ermel Shively, Larry and Darlene Smith, Harry Linke, and Bill O'Steen have all moved on within the last 6 months.


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