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New School graduates


Just a note for those of you Ex-Navy types who went through the New School University (formerly New School for Social Research) college program in Human Resources Management while on prorototype duty at West Milton:

Having graduated in 1984 while at DIG, I have noticed that the main University newsletter very seldom has news about the satellite programs for the military. Jane Triantafillou of the New School thought it might be interesting to find out just what some of the individuals that went through the program have done since then. Her comment was in an email to me after I had suggested that she write an article for the University newsletter about the programs that they sponser for the Airforce and Navy. So if you have any comments you can contact her at "Jane Triantafillou" <>


Hi Alums-
I'm in the process of putting together a newsletter scheduled to come out in September. 
I'm looking for news, announcements, articles, opportunities, etc, etc. 
The Milano Alumni News is an 8-page, high quality informative (and fun) publication that is sent to our 5,000+ alumni all over the country and the world.  As well, faculty, current students and prospective students receive it. 
So, please send me what's interesting to you.  If you have the time to write an article- that would be great.  I need all submissions by the end of July.
Hope you're having a wonderful summer. 
P.S. Note- An article doesn't have to be a polished piece of literature.  We edit and will confer with you.
Alumni and Program Developmnet
Milano Graduate School
72 Fifth Avenue, Room 417
New York, New York 10011
212-229-5311, ext. 1219
212-229-8935 (fax)


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