Facility & Company Information > North Anna
North Anna
After all of the "drama" on here about NAPS back in '07, I was wondering what the opinion is of the plant in the last couple of years. I know the outages have gotten shorter and therefore staffing needs are less and shorter, but what did you all think of the place, house technicians, supervisors?
"we dont like you. we dont want you here. there are 30 ways to lose your job". actualy 31, thou shalt be professional by wearing a collared shirt. amazingly this dung heap gets staffed
Wow.. what department were you in? My experience was in the Health Physics Department.
ask anybody from the al stafford days how they treated contract h-ps. you are not among friends. i was wrong there not 30 ways but at least 31. if a local reported you overtaking him illegaly on the public highway you were also out
--- Quote from: loki on Jun 22, 2010, 03:16 --- ask anybody from the al stafford days how they treated contract h-ps. you are not among friends. i was wrong there not 30 ways but at least 31. if a local reported you overtaking him illegaly on the public highway you were also out
--- End quote ---
So your experiences are from many years ago?
Wow, are you living in the past or what??!
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