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Author Topic: I just got invited to take the Poss at Palisades  (Read 6418 times)

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I just got invited to take the Poss at Palisades
« on: May 13, 2010, 03:18 »
This August I will finish my 2 year degree in energy production.  My college had our formal graduation ceremony two weeks ago where I graduated with honors.  I've worked in the dental field for the last 25 years and have no other experience with nuclear/operations besides in the classroom.   I  applied at Palisades for an Aux Operator in training position and they called me yesterday to come in and take the Poss on May 18th.   If I pass that they said the next step will be an interview.
   I have been reading everything I can on Nuke worker about the Poss tests and even ordered the Arco Mechanical Aptitude and Spatial Relations Tests Book from Amazon.    I wish I had more time to study for it but I also have  classes in Thermodynamics,  Plant Operations, to study for, and a Capstone paper to start on. I doubt that I would ever feel really ready for the test. The person I talked to made it sound like the interview would be at a later date if I passed the Poss test but from what I've read on here it seems like its possible for the interview to be right after the test.  So I am wondering how I should dress for the test.  Has anyone on here had any experience with how Palisades/Entergy does this? I would normally dress business casual with a nice dress shirt and pants for the test and wear a suit to the interview.  Does this seem ok to those of you with experience with this?  I am very excited about this opportunity and want to do my best.  I don't want to blow this because who knows when another chance will come up like this.  I live about 15 miles from the plant and it  would be ideal for me if I got this job.
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

Offline crusemm

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Re: I just got invited to take the Poss at Palisades
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2010, 03:43 »
I recently went through something similar for Luminant at Comanche Peak.  My advice to you is, wear a suit for the test and interview.  Think about it this way, every time they see you, whether for the test, interview, site visit, whatever, they are forming an opinion of you.  Make the absolute best impression you can, every chance you get.  In my situation, I knew the test and interview would be same day, so I wore my best.  Black suit, white dress shirt, red "power" tie, Matching black shoes and belt.  I made sure to wear the suit several times prior to the interview to make sure I was comfortable in it.  Pick up an ASVAB test book either at the Library or B&N.  take as many practice tests as you can, as fast as you can.  Read the other threads about how to prepare for the test and interview.  If you have time, prepare for the STAR interview questions.  Hope this helps.
Good Luck
Have a Day
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Offline UncaBuffalo

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Re: I just got invited to take the POSS at Palisades
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2010, 07:03 »
I recently went through something similar for Luminant at Comanche Peak.  My advice to you is, wear a suit for the test and interview.  Think about it this way, every time they see you, whether for the test, interview, site visit, whatever, they are forming an opinion of you.  Make the absolute best impression you can, every chance you get.  In my situation, I knew the test and interview would be same day, so I wore my best.  Black suit, white dress shirt, red "power" tie, Matching black shoes and belt.  I made sure to wear the suit several times prior to the interview to make sure I was comfortable in it.  Pick up an ASVAB test book either at the Library or B&N.  take as many practice tests as you can, as fast as you can.  Read the other threads about how to prepare for the test and interview.  If you have time, prepare for the STAR interview questions.  Hope this helps.
Good Luck
Have a Day

We've had the discussion/argument before...,21353

I still feel a suit for an interview is over-dressed for nearly all positions that would require the POSS.  Stick to the One-Step-Above-What-You-Will-Wear-To-Work rule, or you will raise questions in the interviewers' minds as to whether you are willing to do the physical side of the job.
« Last Edit: Sep 22, 2010, 01:33 by UncaBuffalo »
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Re: I just got invited to take the Poss at Palisades
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2010, 10:45 »
You could always ask your interviewer what would be the standard of dress during the phone conversation.


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