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Remote Monitoring

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I've inherited the Remote Monitoring Program here at Brunswick, and was wondering which sites have the best remote setups. Which brands of hardwre, software, cameras, and telecommunications do they use? Would also like to know about there training for their program. We are looking to improve our setup, and need some fresh ideas! 

Check with St. Lucie they have had a really good system and recently improved on it.They (if it hasn't changed) have MG, with a room dedicated to nothing but tv's and computers to monitor the various areas by telemetry,radio and video. Also Ft. Calhoun just put a new system (room also dedicated with same) in last outage they can tell you the pros and cons of their system. Their tele's are siemens, if im not mistaken.

Our system isn't too bad, we use MG ED's and GEDDS software by MJW. We want to improve though. I'm also trying to help our sister sites set something up, and are looking to standardize for all the Progress Energy sites! :P

San Onofres is very good, I helped install it in a previous life! They benchmarked against Vogtel, and they said theirs was still better, haven't seen it yet. Hope someone can tell me a little about it! May be a little ice cream in it for ya! ;D

Going to be at the MG users group next week and hopefully I'll get more info there, but if you know of a good system, or a utility that uses it well, or maybe one that has exemplory training. Feel free to post it here! :P


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