Facility & Company Information > North Anna
North Anna Unit 3
Note: The Dominion site states they will use a US-APWR, the NRC site lists them using an ESBWR
North Anna Power Station Unit 3
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries' Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor technology has been selected for a potential third nuclear unit at North Anna. (Illustration courtesy Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.)Virginia has a long-term energy gap, with a projected deficit of 4,000 megawatts by 2017. In addition, regional demand has grown 40 percent in the last 10 years. It is expected to grow another 8 percent by 2011, even with conscientious energy efficiency and conservation efforts. This creates a severe imbalance between demand and generation.
Dominion is a safe, world-class nuclear operator, and as part of its strategy to ensure adequate, reliable electricity for the future, the company is taking steps toward constructing a third nuclear generating unit adjacent to its existing nuclear station in Louisa Co., Va. Dominion operates three other emissions-free nuclear stations.
Dominion submitted a Combined Operating License (COL) application to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission on Nov. 27, 2007. If approved, the COL will give the company permission to build and operate the new nuclear unit, called North Anna 3.
Approval from the State Corporation Commission will also be necessary for Unit 3. The new unit will join North Anna's Units 1 and 2, which together generate 1,786 megawatts.
Dominion's Early Site Permit (ESP) for the North Anna Power Station site received approval from the NRC on Nov. 20, 2007. This means the North Anna site has been found suitable to support an additional reactor. Dominion applied for the ESP in 2003.
Dominion Virginia Power announced on May 7, 2010, that it has selected Mitsubishi Heavy Industries' Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor (US-APWR) technology for a potential third nuclear unit at North Anna.
Source: http://www.dom.com/about/stations/nuclear/north-anna/north-anna-3.jsp
Source: http://www.nrc.gov/reactors/new-reactors/col/north-anna.html
Source: http://www.nrc.gov/reactors/new-reactors/col/north-anna/documents.html
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