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Calvert Cliffs Unit 3
« on: Jun 16, 2010, 12:56 »
Latest Development: In April 2010
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) published its Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for CC3. In the DEIS, the NRC preliminarily recommends that the environmental portion of CC3's combined Construction and Operating LIcense (COL) be issued as proposed.

•  May 2009 – CC3 is among four projects selected by the U.S. Department of Energy to enter the final phase of due diligence for a portion of $18.5 billion in federal loan guarantees for new nuclear projects

•  June 2009 ‐‐ Bechtel Construction Company and the Building and Construction Trades Unions secure a Project Labor Agreement for CC3 – the first of its kind for new nuclear energy facilities.

•  June 2009 ‐‐ The Maryland Public Service Commission issues a final order approving CC3’s application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN), which includes many of the environmental permits needed for construction.

•  July 2009 ‐‐ UniStar, AREVA and its U.S. consortium partner Bechtel Power Corporation sign a term sheet outlining the terms and conditions for an engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract for CC3.

•  April 2010 ‐‐ The NRC publishes its Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for CC3. In the DEIS, the NRC preliminarily recommends that the environmental portion of CC3’s Combined Construction and Operating License (COL) be issued as proposed.

UniStar Nuclear Energy is considering the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant site in Lusby, Maryland for the construction of the first in a series of AREVA’s 1,600‐megawatt U.S. EPRTM reactors, an advanced design nuclear energy facility now under construction in France, Finland, and China.

In July 2007 UniStar began the Combined Operating License (COL) application process for Calvert Cliffs 3 (CC3) with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). NRC issuance of a COL is required before a company can construct or operate a new nuclear energy facility. The COL application contains the Environmental Report (ER), the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR), Security and Emergency Plan information and other required documentation to support the NRC’s issuance of an Environmental Impact Statement and Safety Evaluation Report. NRC issuance of a COL for CC3 is anticipated in mid‐2012.

Calvert Cliffs 3 Nuclear Project, LLC and UniStar Nuclear Operating Services, LLC submitted to obtain a combined license (COL) for an AREVA U.S. Evolutionary Power Reactor (U.S. EPR) designated as Calvert Cliffs, Unit 3.

UniStar Nuclear Energy announced it will probably build a new advanced US-Evolutionary Power Reactor (US-EPR) at this site. UniStar Nuclear Energy, a Delaware limited liability company, is jointly owned by Constellation Energy (CEG) and Électricité de France (EdF), a builder and supplier of nuclear power plants in Europe. This proposed single nuclear unit will produce approximately twice the energy of each individual existing plant.

On July 13, 2007, UniStar Nuclear Energy filed a partial application to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to review its plans to build a new nuclear power plant, Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 3 (CCNPP 3) based on the AREVA U.S. Evolutionary Power Reactor (US-EPR), Generation III+, four loop pressurized water reactor. The remainder of the license application was submitted to the NRC in March 2008. The NRC confirmed its acceptance for technical review in June 2008. The CCNPP 3 reactor will be rated at 4590 MW thermal/1710 MW electrical gross.[citation needed] Plant loads will be approximately 110 Mwe, thus the net generation is 1600 MWe. Plant thermal efficiency will be approximately 36% (ratio of 1710 MWe to 4590 MWth).  A final decision by Constellation to start construction is expected by the end of 2009, paving the way for pre-construction activities.

This third reactor will help address the need for more baseload, generating power in the Mid-Atlantic region. The plant will be located south of the existing CCNPP 1&2 and will be set back from the shoreline. Although only a single unit, its power plant footprint will be almost 2 times the size of the twin units CCNPP 1&2. It will have a closed-loop cooling system using a single hybrid mechanical draft cooling tower. It will incorporate plume abatement (no visible water vapor plume). Units 1&2 use an open-cycle heat dissipation system (no cooling towers). Two thirds of the heat produced by the Unit 3 reactor will be released to the atmosphere via the cooling tower. This also is a saturated steam plant with a Main Steam Turbine (one high pressure turbine in tandem with three low pressure turbines) and a Main Generator design similar to Unit 1 & 2. ALSTOM will supply the Main Steam Turbine and Main Generator.



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