It's said that there are two(2) sides to every story, and that somewhere in the middle lies the truth. For five (5) years, I enjoyed my time at VC Summer, and made some good friends. Yet circumstances change (as they did for me), and the "marriage" comes to a bitter end.
The SCANA website has three instructor positions (HP, Chemistry and GET) posted for the Summer Nuclear Station. Consider this: within four (4) years, two GET Instructors opted to retire, one GET Instructor quit, and one HP Instructor "jumped on" a transfer opportunity to another position, versus having to deal with the overwhelming dose of daily BS and aggravation dealt by the supervisor having oversight over GET, HP and Chemistry. As for me, I refused to be a mindless drone.
If a friend of mine were to apply for either of those positions, I'd encourage him or her to look for employment elsewhere.