The question must have struck a nerve with someone in the inner circle...
Why is it that the censors moderators don't show up on the Karma Log when they express themselves?
Name: Sun Dog
Posts: 4 (N/A per day)
Position: Lite User
Karma: -1
Date Registered: Yesterday at 13:55
Last Active: Today at 09:42
I found this in the trash. I believe Sun Dog deleted it himself. I’d like to address the question none the less.
There IS a conspiracy. It is true. I’ll show you mine, if you show us yours. How about it Sun Dog? Tell us your real name, and the other alias’ you use on this site past and present.Sun Dog is the 3rd iteration of a user that has had several handles on this site. There is currently a free advertisement in the lodging area from someone with his specific, unchanging, IP address.
He had some issues with the moderation of the site, with accusations of an “inner circle”. It was his issues with the moderation of the site that led to the release of the moderator handbook posted above. It is also the reason that we added Tim Tarbox as an independent observer/evaluator. I view his challenges to how we do business as a good thing, and not a negative thing. Sure, it was painful at times, but change usually is.
Due to his accusations of an “inner circle” I no longer let moderators post in the Polysci area, which resulted in a number of the long time moderators stepping down. We lost many moderators due to this, which increases the work load on the rest. We made this decision because I want the moderators to be viewed as unbiased. Apparently they can’t be viewed as unbiased when they are debating with people in the polisci area. (You have no idea how much trouble the polisci area and karma has caused due to the actions of a very vocal minority.) When we started the polysci area, we let moderators post in there, and moderate. You know, we assumed everyone was adults, and would have no problem being professional. We assumed no one would have a problem drawing a line where moderating was moderating and debating was debating. Yet, some people seem to have a hard time grasping that concept so as a result we have forbid our moderators the luxury of speaking their mind.
Additionally, there had been accusations about these “inner circle” karma issues. This one really escapes me. I don’t understand fully how smiting someone makes them biased. BUT, none the less, the vocal minority once again strikes. In a previous revision to the handbook, we prohibited moderators from affecting people’s karma also. – Our independent evaluator Tim said he thought that it was silly to do so. He suggested removing the karma log. He surmised that if no one could see what was going on, then they couldn’t accuse the moderators of being biased. – So I did, just for fun, knowing full-well what would happen. I removed the karma log for a few days. You know what happened? It rained fire and brimstone. I was not surprised one bit, but the newly appointed observer was floored. He couldn’t understand why people were so up in arms about a silly log. I personally don’t “understand” why people give a hoot, but I know all too well that they do indeed care very passionately about karma. So the next suggestion was to create a log that didn’t include the karmic activities of site moderators. Surely that would go unnoticed, how could someone possibly miss something they couldn’t see gone? Oh how they noticed it, and immediately.
This leads me to the posting today. Let’s all get together and make a decision. If a moderator smites a poster, is there the potential to be biased? Yes. Does that mean the moderator shouldn’t be allowed to moderate? It does, if we want them to be immune to accusations of bias. Should they not be allowed to smite people? It does, if we want them to be immune to accusations of bias. What does one do in this situation? Do we ignore the bias accusations as the ranting of a mad man? We can't. All we can do is beat on our poor moderators even more. If we beat on them enough, perhaps they will all go away and then we can post whatever we want. – Or perhaps, we’ll get lucky and we’ll find some people that have no opinion, and just want to moderate. I don’t know how you can find someone that is passionate enough to want to moderate and dispassionate enough to not want to express an opinion.
So, what is the final decision? Do we prohibit moderators from smiting people? If not, how do we prevent people from accusing them of being biased? Do we remove the karma system all together? Do we just not list the moderator’s names, do you don’t know who is smiting you?
I don’t want to have to address this situation again. So let’s get a group consensus.