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Author Topic: Free Speech or Censorship?  (Read 46420 times)

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Offline RDTroja

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Re: Free Speech or Censorship?
« Reply #50 on: Jun 23, 2010, 03:23 »
A little former admin/mod humor that nobody picked up on  ;)

now please no -K


I noticed it... didn't comment because I try not to attach people for their grammatical errors.  ;)
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Re: Free Speech or Censorship?
« Reply #51 on: Jun 23, 2010, 03:49 »
An interesting point CO60slr,

I suspect many times the appearance of censorship is the result of a "reported post" to a moderator. What if the OP of the reported post were included on the notification automatically? I think many deleted posts would still exist and/or be addressed without Mod intervention if there was a dialogue between the OP and the person that reported it. The OP could receive an automatic PM that reads something like "ABC has reported post XYZ for the following reason: (insert description typed in when post is reported)". The mod could monitor the post to see if the two find common ground; if not, then moderate.

If I used the "report to mod" button everytime I thought something was out of place in the open forum, I'd wear it out..instead, I PM people, and ask them to consider if the content is right for the open forum..or.. I've sent many "It's not what you said, but how (or where) you said it.." type of PMs..sometimes people change wording..sometimes they don''s ok either way..I feel like I've done my part by bringing it to their attention for consideration. I don't think I've ever had anything go horribly wrong by talking to someone. I don't see why two people discussing a reported post (via PM) would be bad, generally speaking. It would reduce the amount of moderation by site admin, hence reduce the feeling of censorship on the site. It puts control of the words (in most cases) back in the hands of the members. Any thoughts?
Personally, I don't believe anything on the Internet is truly anonymous.  Mike recently pointed that out for us here in an example with his IP Log.  I think email and other electronic forms of communication (e.g., public forums) should be treated much more formally than most of us do.   The Google Spider is recording/archiving tons of information that one can NOT take back after you hit send.  Regardless, it just seems that some people are quick to throw mud at someone without accountability.  Should it matter?  No.  Do some hide?  I think so.  Just a thought.

I like the private "coaching" idea...a lot.  A forum section/sub-section moderator should nudge a poster to edit his/her own posting if it seems inappropriate.   Give the person that didn't "count to 10" before posting a chance to see how the posting was actually taken by someone and self-correct/edit.  The moderator can even give "+K" if he/she was successful.

However, if an unprofessional poster (e.g., Troll) is unwilling to "tone down" the content, than I think deleted postings and Profiles is warranted to keep the site us Nukeworkers have to be day to day.  Mike seems to be laying out the threshold his wants for his site. 

In any event, I disagree it's censorship.  If it were true censorship and dictatorship, we'd all leave and Mike would be by himself.


Offline Mike_Koehler

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Re: Free Speech or Censorship?
« Reply #52 on: Jun 24, 2010, 08:59 »
I hardly ever comment on how I think You (Mike) should run your fact, I think that this is the first time. This site is ultimately yours and any decisions on how it is run eventually return to you. All you can do is ask for input (this thread) read the responses and make Your decision. You have been doing great since I've been a member (2002). Keep up the good work and remember that no matter what you do, you will probably rub someone's antlers the wrong way. A long time ago someone old and wise said to me "If you gather 50 techs together and ask them a simple yes/no question, You will get 50 different ways of saying yes or no." It is especially true for this question.

Mike Koehler
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Re: Free Speech or Censorship?
« Reply #53 on: Jun 24, 2010, 02:58 »
NukeWorker‟s mission to help nuclear workers find work. This mission is accomplished with NukeWorker‟s values:honesty, respect, and excellence. Its gone a little beyond finding work. And its a good thing; its a great place to learn,complain,stroke your ego and talk about things with people with whom you have a good bit in common. But people get bold when anonymous and out of reach. You cant police egos or even expect folks to rein them in. But you can control what posts stay in view. I believe less is best. I mean, don't moderate very much. Its not called free speech for nothing.
Rennhack has set the rules and has now shown them to anyone who cares to look. They are not to specific but you get the idea.Be cool, just a little. Sometimes you got to vent,passionately. Do it, let it out. Just don't send a pipe bomb to my house.
Tarbox has a good idea to be used when necessary.
You can raise hell and still have a peaceable kingdom, you can honestly disagree and voice it in an excellent way. Just do it with a little respect.
Ive used up my feel good words and am slipping into darkness so I'm back to the world cup. Like that will make it better.
I type slowly and cant get the thoughts out with fluidity. Love to all of you who can.And screw spelling.


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Re: Free Speech or Censorship?
« Reply #54 on: Jun 25, 2010, 01:37 »
Hmmm.... Who watches the watchmen?

I like the idea of an "impartial observer". I've always liked Tim even though its been 17 years since we've worked together.

Mods should be able to execute karma and it should be on the karma log just like anyone else on the forum.

I'm conflicted as to whether they should be able to post in the Poly-Sci area. everyone has a voice here and as one who loves the debate there, I would hate to miss out on the excellent points they could share to liven up the debate. But then their actions as moderator on the threads would have to be well above board and open to scrutiny.
I agree with everything quoted here. I would miss the imput from the moderators. BTW Camella when you stopped posting the value of NW went down .I may not agree with everything you believe but you brought alot to the table.Thanks.We all come from different backgrounds and education so listening to each of you and your opions helps shape mine.

Offline Camella Black

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Re: Free Speech or Censorship?
« Reply #55 on: Jun 25, 2010, 01:47 »
I agree with everything quoted here. I would miss the imput from the moderators. BTW Camella when you stopped posting the value of NW went down .I may not agree with everything you believe but you brought alot to the table.Thanks.We all come from different backgrounds and education so listening to each of you and your opions helps shape mine.

Thank you that means a lot. I am gradually attempting to get back into the groove... and I couldn't agree more I agree that moderators should not moderatate (edit, delete) on boards that they moderate but I believe that a common ground can be found and if all else fails the old adage "you can't please everyone" should come into play.


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Re: Free Speech or Censorship?
« Reply #56 on: Jun 25, 2010, 03:48 »
Moderate in moderation is what I mean. So as not to dissuade anyone from voicing an opinion. I know some of you but I make no effort to identify anyone or to show my identity. Allthough there is a picture of me on every post I post. I think everyone should be free to post wherever they wan, including polysci. I dont plus or minus much but it should be visible to everyone.
In English 101 we had an automatic fail rule for two missspells or tech. errors. Writting for me became very slow. Now spell check makes it better.


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Re: Free Speech or Censorship?
« Reply #57 on: Jul 08, 2010, 12:15 »
This is not a free speech site.   It is at the whim of the moderators.   If you do not like it, start your own blog, but you do it somewhere else.   That is life.

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Re: Free Speech or Censorship?
« Reply #58 on: Jul 08, 2010, 12:29 »
This is not a free speech site.   It is at the whim of the moderators.   If you do not like it, start your own blog, but you do it somewhere else.   That is life.

Have you read the Poly-Sci threads?

Let me give an example of deletion, just need these key words

Obama - liberal - gulf disaster ineptitude - socialism

I give this about a 10 minute life.

2 1/2 weeks and counting....

Yes, I will stop posting altogether as I find this is not a free idea board anymore, just a politically correctness board that I have lost interest in. 
Good bye to you all, and Moderator, PLEASE remove my name Permanently from this system.

Stupid moderators....Can't even follow directions
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Offline Brett LaVigne

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Re: Free Speech or Censorship?
« Reply #59 on: Jul 08, 2010, 02:23 »
I will say that I have had posts deleted or edited that I really couldn't understand the reason. It was one of the driving reasons that I stopped paying for the membership. I will also say that the site has seemed to loosen up on that type of thing since more and more people have taken the time to talk about it.

I believe that as long as it isn't a flame-fest or chronically off topic, leave it alone. I think it's heading in that direction.
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Offline Rennhack

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Re: Free Speech or Censorship?
« Reply #60 on: Jul 08, 2010, 03:34 »
I believe that as long as it isn't a flame-fest or chronically off topic, leave it alone.

I couldn't agree more.

Offline Rennhack

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Re: Free Speech or Censorship?
« Reply #61 on: Jul 08, 2010, 03:42 »
There is a similar thread here:,24666.0.html

Is this favoritism or censorship from the mods? 
I posted in the general area where I told someone I was proud of him not being a di*k for not flaming someone who didn't research the forums.  In using the slang for a male member, my post got deleted.  Then yesterday, I noticed the following post from Mike.
It's good to be the King... oh piss boy.
This post didn't get deleted.  How is praising someone and using the work "di*k" worthy of deletion but calling someone a piss boy not worthy?!

Personally, I don't think HIS post should have been deleted either.  But someone complained about it (T.I.M.) so a moderator deleted it.  -- You know, just because some one complains, doesn't mean we have to delete it.

Sure, he was crude.  But it  is another example of how our moderators intended to do the right thing, but perhaps went too far.  We don't want the site to devolve into a mash of vulgarities... the user should have been contacted and asked to change it, or god forbid, just edit out the offending word.  NOT just delete the entire post.
« Last Edit: Jul 08, 2010, 03:53 by Rennhack »

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Re: Free Speech or Censorship?
« Reply #62 on: Jul 08, 2010, 11:48 »
There is a similar thread here:,24666.0.html
This post didn't get deleted.  How is praising someone and using the work "di*k" worthy of deletion but calling someone a piss boy not worthy?!

Personally, I don't think HIS post should have been deleted either.  But someone complained about it (T.I.M.) so a moderator deleted it.  -- You know, just because some one complains, doesn't mean we have to delete it.

Hi!   :D 

Sure, he was crude.  But it  is another example of how our moderators intended to do the right thing, but perhaps went too far.  We don't want the site to devolve into a mash of vulgarities... the user should have been contacted and asked to change it, or god forbid, just edit out the offending word.  NOT just delete the entire post.

Working on not being so quick to the Remove button myself.  Just as an aside if I do contact you about changing a post it such as the quoted example it's not just usually for language.  As can be seen just a few posts up our words have a nasty habit of following once they are posted. 

Being a chronic sufferer of hoof in mouth myself it's also why I don't always comment on many threads.  It's that two-edged sword thing.  On one side I just don't want to fulfill my full potential of looking foolish and then there's that whole face of the site thing too.

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Offline Camella Black

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Re: Free Speech or Censorship?
« Reply #63 on: Jul 18, 2010, 07:57 »
I have lurked about this site as a guest for some time prior to joining as a member.  During that time I took notice of a recurring theme, the possibility that censorship of posts exists on this site.

Some members make direct or insinuated accusations of censorship.  These are quickly followed by claims of denial by other members and moderators.  Which is it?  Is this a censored site or are members free to express themselves provided they do so within the framework of the site rules that we all agreed to comply with?

I started a similar post a day or so ago but deleted it.  I apologize to those members who responded to the original version just to have their input unceremoniously flushed.  Please repost your thoughts.

Tango Yankee –


Lets get real, I am almost rolling on the floor... try going to your favorite website.... and typing in nukeworker - talk about censorship. They have a program that automatically (upon submission) that deletes the word nukeworker!!!!  :D :-\ :D

Heck, maybe we need to do this here on nukeworker other website.  ;)


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Re: Free Speech or Censorship?
« Reply #64 on: Jul 18, 2010, 02:10 »
As someone who is not in the nuclear field this website is extremely useful.  I am very interested in getting into this field, and with the help of this website I have been able to compile a game plan that hopeful one day will get me into the nuclear power field. 

As someone looking in I can completely understand why there has to be order and organization to this site.  The organization has made it very easy to learn and navigate through the information for someone completely clueless.  I am thankful for everyone who post on this site.  I find nuke worker to be very professional, and that is because of the people who post here.  I do more reading, then posting because I really am not qualified to post on to many subjects.  I hope one day to give back to this website as much as it has given to me. 

Thanks to all

Offline Rennhack

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Re: Free Speech or Censorship?
« Reply #65 on: Jul 18, 2010, 03:09 »
As someone who is not in the nuclear field this website is extremely useful.  I am very interested in getting into this field, and with the help of this website I have been able to compile a game plan that hopeful one day will get me into the nuclear power field. 

As someone looking in I can completely understand why there has to be order and organization to this site.  The organization has made it very easy to learn and navigate through the information for someone completely clueless.  I am thankful for everyone who post on this site.  I find nuke worker to be very professional, and that is because of the people who post here.  I do more reading, then posting because I really am not qualified to post on to many subjects.  I hope one day to give back to this website as much as it has given to me. 
Thanks to all


Thank you.  It's been a while since I received one of these.  You've helped me.


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