Career Path > Safety
Hazard Mapping/Systems of Safety
Is this becoming more common in the industry? I just got exposed to the idea. Seems like a great way to inform yourself of safety concerns before you enter an area...
Does anyone have any helpful hints for making the system work?
(For those of you who haven't run across Hazard Mapping yet: Maps are posted at each area with all identified safety concerns shown on the map...much like the radiological surveys we are familiar with in nuclear. Each concern is assigned a level of concern (1 to 4 at our utility). We also keep a list of problems that are mitigated, for trending purposes.)
The only thing we have at srs that comes close is placards (on boundaries , typically nonrad, set up by consruction ) noting entry requirements ,hazard ,ppe required. We dont post copies of surveys at entrances either. Dont have status boards.
I,m wondering if safety will move towards positions similar to HPs.
retired nuke:
We just started it at my site. Others within the fleet are ahead of us, but we have begun.
I see it also as a great tool to identify and prioritize areas for improvement - design changes, additional safety equipment, etc.
Still requires Union and Management to work together, but it has promise...
--- Quote from: Sun Dog on Jun 30, 2010, 03:37 ---JMNSHO:
Not a chance.
At a 'typical' refueling outage (if there is such a thing) RPs may out number the safety reps 20:1. There is no way the safety reps could approach their job in the same manner as the RPs do. Impossible.
Regarding the concept of hazard ID maps, well to put it simply, they are all show, no go. They may be of limited use during task planning or a PJB but that is about it. Posting a hazard ID map at the entrance to a room and expect the craft (or any other employee) to stop before entering, read it, understand it, verify it, etc., etc., etc. is a dream. The second time an employee enters the area the map would become part of the background noise just like all of the other signs we inundate folks with.
--- End quote ---
I agree that I'm not going to look at it the second time in...but most people only look at survey maps when conditions change...right?
I haven't formed an opinion about the hazard maps yet, but they were useful on a job the other day. I was able to familiarize myself with a new work area without having to ask any dumb questions or, worse yet, listening to someone drone on for 15 minutes.
SD your probably right,you could move towards that direction but not very far. More field representation would not necessarily be a good thing. If safety is not an natural part of the culture then a field rep is just someone else not to get caught by. Its more important for me to do the right thing than to be reminded to do the right thing. But its nice to have someone there if my attention lapses.
The maps are a good idea. Perhaps incorporate the data in the rad maps allready posted if it doesnt clutter the map making it difficult to read quickly.
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