Career Path > DOE

UMTRA Haul Truck Decon Methods....

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I'm looking for HPs and RCTs with historic experience in the UMTRA Program who possess information and details on the decon process on haul trucks exiting the disposal cell.  I'm gathering this info in an attempt to improve the efficiency and safety of a mill tailings project I'm working on currently.  It is my understanding that in most cases the loaded haul trucks were driven into the disposal cell, dumped and then deconned out on a decon pad.  I'm told that after the steep part of the learning curve was climbed, the deconners and the rad techs could process a truck through decon in approximately 2 minutes.  Any of you old UMTRA veterens out there?  Any help you can offer in the way of personal experience, project procedures and help contacting others with similar experience is greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance!


--- Quote from: chaco on Jun 30, 2010, 05:58 ---I'm looking for HPs and RCTs with historic experience in the UMTRA Program who possess information and details on the decon process on haul trucks exiting the disposal cell.  I'm gathering this info in an attempt to improve the efficiency and safety of a mill tailings project I'm working on currently.  It is my understanding that in most cases the loaded haul trucks were driven into the disposal cell, dumped and then deconned out on a decon pad.  I'm told that after the steep part of the learning curve was climbed, the deconners and the rad techs could process a truck through decon in approximately 2 minutes.  Any of you old UMTRA veterens out there?  Any help you can offer in the way of personal experience, project procedures and help contacting others with similar experience is greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance!

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I am NOT an UMTRA vet, but I did another dirt job...take my comments for whatever you think they are worth...

We could move a dump truck through our tent in about 2 minutes also.  That took a team of 4(?) laborers & 4 RCTs.  The laborers would quickly wipe any residual dirt into the bed & cover the load (we were using drop-beds that would be subsequently loaded on another truck and sent across site to the burial gound.  They would dump it & send it back.)  Two RCTs could be frisking (on low-dose loads) and smearing the tires, while the other 2 dose rated/smeared the drop-bed.  Slap a tag on it, drop the rope, and out it goes...2 minutes.

Don't know if any/all of that is applicable to your question?

 Depending where you are, I wouldn't be very comfortable releasing to much in 2 minutes, let alone a huge truck, Naa I wouldn't do it, just remember your name is the one going on the survey..Nope noway..Just my opinion, it's not worth much.


--- Quote from: Jr8black3 on Jun 30, 2010, 09:20 --- Depending where you are, I wouldn't be very comfortable releasing to much in 2 minutes, let alone a huge truck, Naa I wouldn't do it, just remember your name is the one going on the survey..Nope noway..Just my opinion, it's not worth much.

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What we were doing was definitely NOT decon.  It WAS an adequate survey to allow a truck to exit the dig site, get rid of a full drop-bed, pick up an empty drop-bed, and re-enter the dig site without contaminating the drop-bed laydown area. 

Note:  I NEVER took a hot smear ANYWHERE on that dig don't try my 2-minute technique if you have REAL contamination.  We were just ensuring we captured all the hot dirt clods...

UncaBuffalo -

Yep, that's exactly what I'm looking to do.  Decon to the degree we can allow the truck to go back to the railhead, offload the container, load a full one and travel to the cell (all within a controlled area) and repeat as needed for the next 14 million cubic yards.  Anyone else out there with knowledge and experience?


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