The site has many hidden gems, like these:
Neat things. Or these
Fun thingsI’d like everyone to take some time and post their 5 favorite hidden gems.
Additionally, I’m challenging people to a NukeWorker Scavenger hunt.
1. What is the date the first batch of pictures were added to the photo gallery?
2. When was the First message in the message board posted, and by whom?
3. What is the title of topic #6969?
4. What is the oldest message posted by MARSSIM?
5. How many site members were born on Valentine’s day?
6. What topic has the most views?
7. Which user claims to have hunted with my family?
8. Who explained “Gashimeku Kaalariin” to us?
9. Who is Mr. Chips?
10. What is the most Liked, and Most disliked site, according to the Facility Ratings?
11. What is Rad Gal’s most Embarrassing object? (Bonus Question for Gold Members)
Winner will receive a NukeWorker bobblehead.
Here is a little help for you:
Search NukeWorker