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Author Topic: DCPP Chemical and Radiation Protection Technician  (Read 9016 times)

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El Sánchez

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At DCPP, what is a Chemical and Radiation Protection Technician?  Is this a RP, HP, RCT?  I saw the posting for this job position on the PG&E website and was hoping someone could provide more input.

The posting listed that this is an "IBEW represented classification currently subject to collective bargaining."  Can someone explain what that means in terms of being employed at DCPP?


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Re: DCPP Chemical and Radiation Protection Technician
« Reply #1 on: Aug 03, 2010, 04:19 »
At DCPP, what is a Chemical and Radiation Protection Technician?  Is this a RP, HP, RCT?  I saw the posting for this job position on the PG&E website and was hoping someone could provide more input.


This nuclear plant has RP's managed by the same person that manages Chem Techs.  So you would Be a RP Tech AND a Chem Tech, presumably.

The posting listed that this is an "IBEW represented classification currently subject to collective bargaining."  Can someone explain what that means in terms of being employed at DCPP?

You would be an IBEW Union Member

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Re: DCPP Chemical and Radiation Protection Technician
« Reply #2 on: Aug 03, 2010, 05:19 »
At Diablo you have to have ANSI quals as RP and Chemistry. Part of your year will be in Chemistry and part of it will be in RP.

El Sánchez

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Re: DCPP Chemical and Radiation Protection Technician
« Reply #3 on: Aug 04, 2010, 11:20 »
Thanks for the information.

With regards to the following:

You would be an IBEW Union Member

Is there any literature, or perhaps a point of contact, to help explain the interaction between the IBEW and DCPP?

At Diablo you have to have ANSI quals as RP and Chemistry. Part of your year will be in Chemistry and part of it will be in RP.

Are Chemistry and RP two different departments?  What are the work hours/shift schedule like for a Chemical and Radiation Protection Technician at DCPP?

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Re: DCPP Chemical and Radiation Protection Technician
« Reply #4 on: Aug 04, 2010, 04:01 »
Thanks for the information.

With regards to the following:

Is there any literature, or perhaps a point of contact, to help explain the interaction between the IBEW and DCPP?

The IBEW is the Union representing workers in this job classification.  They negotiate wages, benefits, and other things outlined in the collective bargaining agreement between the IBEW and DCPP.
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Re: DCPP Chemical and Radiation Protection Technician
« Reply #5 on: Aug 04, 2010, 07:36 »

Are Chemistry and RP two different departments?  What are the work hours/shift schedule like for a Chemical and Radiation Protection Technician at DCPP?

When I worked there in 2001, the technicians were BOTH RP techs and Chemistry techs, based on seniority you were given the opportunity to choose the shift that you worked and whether you worked in RP or Chemistry.  At that time they were working 8 hr shifts so there were 3 shufts per day 0700-1500, 1500-2300, 2300-0700.

Since the "choice" is based on seniority the chances of a newby on being on the backshift the majority of time is very high

El Sánchez

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Re: DCPP Chemical and Radiation Protection Technician
« Reply #6 on: Aug 05, 2010, 01:16 »
Thank you all for your input.  I'm interested in this job opening at DCPP and was trying to get as much information as possible.  If anyone has any more thoughts with regards to being a Chemical and Radiation Protection Technician at DCPP, and is willing to share, please post here.


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Re: DCPP Chemical and Radiation Protection Technician
« Reply #7 on: Aug 05, 2010, 05:53 »
If you aren't an ANSI qualified chemistry technician for Commercial Nuclear Power Plants, or an EX-Navy ELT; you have little chance of becoming a house tech there (along with RP experience, which it seems you have).  If you have a degree in chemistry and have RP experience, that might help as an alternate qualification.  A back door way is to become an RP supervisor or ALARA guy there if you really want to get in and you are highly qualified RP wise.


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