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Technician jobs at plants?
« on: Aug 09, 2010, 01:42 »
Hello everyone. Im sorry if this is in the wrong spot, couldn't find a better spot to my knowledge.

Anyway, in my job hunt, I saw that there is an opening for a "Technician I". It seems fairly simple and, to be presumptuous, like I would be a shoo-in to get it (high school diploma and 0-1 year experience). However... it starts at 18$ an hour (minimum, but still), and 40 hour work weeks... Thats not much to live on in Chicago.  SO, my  questions are

1) how does the progression work? I found a site that explained that it goes from I, II, III, then Sr. for most companies, but how does job scope change?
2) Can I segue into NLO from a technician job?
3) How does pay compare for II, III, and Sr.?

I couldnt find much on google, and nothing here. thanks for your time. 

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Re: Technician jobs at plants?
« Reply #1 on: Aug 09, 2010, 01:54 »
First of all, I doubt you're a "shoo-in" for anything.  In this economy, HR offices are flooded with qualified (and in many cases overqualified) applicants, desperate for work.  Be prepared to face some tough competition.

Second, if the job you're interested in is a union job (and many of them are) then you might be able to find a copy of the union contract online.  Pay schedules and progression will be listed in the contract.

Yes, you can probably segue into an ops job, provided you meet all the requirements (and they decide to hire you)
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Re: Technician jobs at plants?
« Reply #2 on: Aug 09, 2010, 03:19 »
First of all, I doubt you're a "shoo-in" for anything.  In this economy, HR offices are flooded with qualified (and in many cases overqualified) applicants, desperate for work.  Be prepared to face some tough competition.

Second, if the job you're interested in is a union job (and many of them are) then you might be able to find a copy of the union contract online.  Pay schedules and progression will be listed in the contract.

Yes, you can probably segue into an ops job, provided you meet all the requirements (and they decide to hire you)

like I said, it was a presumptuous statement lol.  Thank you for the union bit. I'll check it out.


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Re: Technician jobs at plants?
« Reply #3 on: Aug 09, 2010, 12:15 »
The Tech job in question requires a bit more than what appears on the surface. I presume it's a gov. job which requires DOE core test.

Good luck.


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Re: Technician jobs at plants?
« Reply #4 on: Aug 14, 2010, 05:19 »
The Tech job in question requires a bit more than what appears on the surface. I presume it's a gov. job which requires DOE core test.

Good luck.

Are you speaking of the POSS or MASS tests???


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