You've heard about Nukeworker and how great it is, so you got your screenname and you are ready to play. Great. Just a few things you need to know...
This site was started for 3 reasons:
1) A place for nuclear plant workers to network and share information on plants, jobs and other information useful to fellow workers.
2) Having all of that communication going on here made the site attractive to HR departments, recruiters and nuclear services vendors to post job openings and gather resumes from experienced professionals.
3) Another part of Nukeworker is to have fun.
There are presently 6991 users on Nukeworker (that's your first lookup, find where that is listed). When users post here, it usually fits into an already existing Forum, and Topic thread. That way, anyone interested in reading your posting can find it. If every user starting posting willy-nilly, there would be 1000's of posts all over the place. The board would be a mess. The donors, moderators and long-term nukeworkers who got this board started and sustained it won't be able to find timely information about outages and other short lead time job info, see #1 above. If the nuclear vendors can't get those people, this site doesnt make money, see #2.
So, you are new on board here, get hot! If you think that you need to post about parking at NPS, or how often you will get to use e-mail when on a Med through the 128 Topic threads already established in Navy Nuke. Have any questions that need an expert answer from someone still in, or just got out? We have excellent posters, and Moderators (we are here to help you out or boot you out, it's all up to how much effort YOU put in) that can and will answer your questions.
Read through the Topics first, then ask questions. Just like you need to study the RPMs and learn the plant before you take your first UI watches, you need to take the time to learn where things are on this site, and how you can help make it a success. #3 never, ever, outweighs #1 and #2 above.
Liberty Call !
