Facility & Company Information > North Anna
Dominion - North Anna Nuclear Security Officer
I am actually cross posting from money matters, thought I may get some answers here. I have an interview lined up for an NSO position at the North Anna facility. Has anyone ever worked there? If so what was it like? How is the pay and benefits? and how is the hiring process?
--- Quote from: mikeb315 on Sep 13, 2010, 03:00 ---I am actually cross posting from money matters.
--- End quote ---
Please do not duplicate your posts. I have moved this thread to the proper area for you. You didn't ask anything about fitness for duty, which is the section of the forum this post was placed. Please refer to your original post for any OTHER answers. -- Which itself is probably not in the best forum section.
Hello everyone,
Newbie here just signed up and liking the site very much..
I would like to find out possibilities of getting a Security officer position at North Anna. I currently work for the Federal Government and am getting ready to retire in a couple of months. I hold an Active TopSecret but no DOE or similar clearances.
Prior to this job I was a U.S. Marine for 5 years, Marine Security Guard.
Can anyone help me with contacts, how to's, Info etc. on how to go about getting the ball rolling?
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