120 Tiger jokes here!!!
Some of the better ones!!! 5 star and clean only!!!
Tigers Attorneys issued the following statement: "Mr. Woods would like to take a mulligan."
Tiger's troubles started early today, where, on only his second ho, he drove through a water hazard and into the trees.
Tiger Wood's wife Elin Nordegren has agreed to appear on " Larry King Live " to apologize for the brutal beating she gave her husband last week . " You know Larry, under this blonde hair, white skin, and make-up, I'm really just another Chris Brown . "
Tiger Woods was injured in a car accident as he pulled out of his driveway early Friday morning. It was Woods' shortest drive since an errant tee shot at the US Open.
Most sports advocates believe Tiger Woods' incident with his wife will actually improve his golf game.
"...Let's face it; when you get hit in the head with a seven iron, you are going to see a lot of birdies...."
Tiger Woods recently drove into a fire hydrant and tree.He's not talking about it,so it sounds like an unplayable lie.
Tiger Woods complained after being fined $174 for his accident Friday morning, saying that normally for driving into a water hazard and hitting a tree he should only receive one penalty stroke.
Hey did you hear???
Sponsors Nike and GM dropped Tiger Woods.
He's now the new spokesperson for CHEETAH

When asked by a counsellor what led him to stray off course in his marriage, Tiger responded: "Well, it's the old adage my Daddy taught me I suppose, 'the green always looks grassier on the other side of the fairway'".