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Author Topic: Will the last tech to leave SRS, please turn off the lights  (Read 107529 times)

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Re: Will the last tech to leave SRS, please turn off the lights
« Reply #125 on: Oct 03, 2012, 09:39 »
When are will the Feds indict SRNS management for misuse of gov't funds and fraud (~$100M)?    :o

When will the Feds indict the recruiter and procurement officers who promoted and hid the facts of these per diem cases?   :o

A recruiter in New Ellenton was raided and computers were seized. The recruiter promoted the per diem requests for known local techs and the procurement officer knew about the per diem fraud and covered. Neither was prosecuted. The procurement officer was still working at SRS, May 2012. The email evidence is on the SRS server backups (archived weekly and sent to repository in Atlanta, GA). I guess it’s too hard for a Fed prosecutor to dig for information in the federal archives.  >:(

Instead of looking for the real criminals the low hanging fruit will suffice. Some have described SRS as being a dysfunctional organized crime family. I look at it as the new ‘Dixie Mafia’. People are promoted on social contacts instead of real abilities. Some people rise to the occasion. Others sit back to collect that check. A real top to bottom house flushing needs to be done. SRNS attempted the process once before (when WSRS lost the contract) but, the house cleaning was deflected to the unworthy promoted (massive SRS layoff 2009). Another SRS layoff is coming at the end of this year but, the top cockroaches will still survive.  :-[

 8) 8) 8)


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Re: Will the last tech to leave SRS, please turn off the lights
« Reply #126 on: Oct 04, 2012, 06:38 »
Very true Beta Ant , Dixie Mafia ,  LOL


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