Facility & Company Information > Savannah River

Savannah River Site Per Diem

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--- Quote from: BeerCourt on Oct 06, 2010, 09:47 ---Good math.
But, let's not overlook the tendency of some people in our profession to exaggerate the hell out of things like how much money they make.

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And how much they're worth or know.

Problem with the math and contract reality.  :-X
RH, your hours are in error. 2080 is based on 52 - 40hr weeks. SRS has 11 holidays. That would give you 1990 hours per year. SRS has never paid the GSA per diem rate to rent-a-techs. Currently PD and benefits are tied to a 40 hour week. You may get paid $35/hr but, your OT rate will be based on YOUR base rate without per diem, health and welfare benefits, holidays, and vacation (i.e. $35 ST and $33 OT - base of $22.00). :'(
Until this year rent-a-tech HP have never been paid more than $30/hr. RAT contract have a rider limiting OT to less than 200 hours per contract year UNLESS the contract is amended with authorization from SRS management and HR (ain't happening). Site RadCon Inspectors b!tch to HR at the drop of a hat to protest RAT OT when house radcon has not been offered the same overtime (all FREAKIN' 420 of them). A lot of topped out SRS RCIs make more than their supervisors. Hell, why unionize SRS RadCon when you have such a sweetheart deal? I know of a more than a few SRS RCIs that buy a new Mercedes every three years, cruise the Bahamas and brag that they have maxed out their SS contribution.  :o
RATs get the shaft of at SRS unless you are selling something else or have tape of senior management screwing your pre-teen.  :'(

BA  8) 8) 8)


--- Quote from: BetaAnt on Oct 06, 2010, 02:39 ---Problem with the math and contract reality.  :-X
RH, your hours are in error. 2080 is based on 52 - 40hr weeks. SRS has 11 holidays. That would give you 1990 hours per year. SRS has never paid the GSA per diem rate to rent-a-techs. Currently PD and benefits are tied to a 40 hour week. You may get paid $35/hr but, your OT rate will be based on YOUR base rate without per diem, health and welfare benefits, holidays, and vacation (i.e. $35 ST and $33 OT - base of $22.00). :'(
Until this year rent-a-tech HP have never been paid more than $30/hr. RAT contract have a rider limiting OT to less than 200 hours per contract year UNLESS the contract is amended with authorization from SRS management and HR (ain't happening). Site RadCon Inspectors b!tch to HR at the drop of a hat to protest RAT OT when house radcon has not been offered the same overtime (all FREAKIN' 420 of them). A lot of topped out SRS RCIs make more than their supervisors. Hell, why unionize SRS RadCon when you have such a sweetheart deal? I know of a more than a few SRS RCIs that buy a new Mercedes every three years, cruise the Bahamas and brag that they have maxed out their SS contribution.  :o
RATs get the shaft of at SRS unless you are selling something else or have tape of senior management screwing your pre-teen.  :'(

BA  8) 8) 8)

--- End quote ---

They said they made 100k a year.  They didn't say it was at SRS, neither did I.  I answered the question asked.

Already Gone:

--- Quote from: BetaAnt on Oct 06, 2010, 02:39 ---Problem with the math and contract reality.  :-X
RH, your hours are in error. 2080 is based on 52 - 40hr weeks. SRS has 11 holidays. That would give you 1990 hours per year. SRS has never paid the GSA per diem rate to rent-a-techs. Currently PD and benefits are tied to a 40 hour week. You may get paid $35/hr but, your OT rate will be based on YOUR base rate without per diem, health and welfare benefits, holidays, and vacation (i.e. $35 ST and $33 OT - base of $22.00). :'(
Until this year rent-a-tech HP have never been paid more than $30/hr. RAT contract have a rider limiting OT to less than 200 hours per contract year UNLESS the contract is amended with authorization from SRS management and HR (ain't happening). Site RadCon Inspectors b!tch to HR at the drop of a hat to protest RAT OT when house radcon has not been offered the same overtime (all FREAKIN' 420 of them). A lot of topped out SRS RCIs make more than their supervisors. Hell, why unionize SRS RadCon when you have such a sweetheart deal? I know of a more than a few SRS RCIs that buy a new Mercedes every three years, cruise the Bahamas and brag that they have maxed out their SS contribution.  :o
RATs get the shaft of at SRS unless you are selling something else or have tape of senior management screwing your pre-teen.  :'(

BA  8) 8) 8)

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Reality for sure.  It seems to suck to be a contract tech at SRS.
If I read it right, there are 11 holidays that they DON'T pay you for?
Are you saying:

* that when an SRS tech comes here and brags about making $35/hr, he is really making $22/hr plus a measly $520/week per diem (if he works 40 hours)?
that SRS contract techs are limited to 200 hours of OT per year?
that they are not likely to get that 200 hours of OT?
that house techs get preference for OT?
that house techs make more money (such that they can afford nice new cars and vacations?
that hourly house techs make more money than their salaried bosses?
I guess my questions to you are:
What about any of this seems unusual to you?
Why wouldn't you just apply for a house job if they get such a better deal?

You stayed there for how many years? 12? It must have been really bad. Get over it. You got yourself ran off and instead of standing up you try to trash the place that paid your bills for over a decade. A lot of techs were hired since you started,you could have been one of them. Besides,your complaint is with the company you worked for,not SRS. And when I started there I made 20$hr and no diem. House was making a little less at the time.And when I went house it was 18$hr. You make you choices. Now I make a lot more and I still can't seem to afford a new Merc every three years.Its mostly true about overtime though. I do know one sub that is placed in the ot roster along with everyone else. And house was excluded from some sub ot rosters. No you do not represent the site fairly, but thats not your aim is it? Oh and I worked a few holidays as a sub.


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