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Author Topic: Anyone work at the nuke plant that had an incident this weekend in NY?  (Read 27102 times)

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I heard about an incident where some piping broke at a nuke plant in New York that spilled some contaminated water. Can anyone verify this or does anyone work there?

Offline Rennhack

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« Last Edit: Nov 08, 2010, 09:34 by Rennhack »

Offline Already Gone

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Or, you could be referring to the Steam Generator tube rupture at Ginna.  That was as recent as 1982.  Not quite 30 years ago yet, but still a good topic for gossip.

Maybe if you could be more specific, it would be easier to nail down which rumor you are chasing.

If you have lots of time on your hands, look through this list.
"To be content with little is hard; to be content with much, impossible." - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

Offline HydroDave63

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or a leaking pipe at Ginna this weekend...

Power Reactor    Event Number: 46398
Facility: GINNA
Region: 1 State: NY
Unit: [1] [ ] [ ]
RX Type: [1] W-2-LP
HQ OPS Officer: PETE SNYDER    Notification Date: 11/05/2010
Notification Time: 16:19 [ET]
Event Date: 11/05/2010
Event Time: 12:45 [EDT]
Last Update Date: 11/05/2010
Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY
10 CFR Section:
50.72(b)(2)(xi) - OFFSITE NOTIFICATION
   Person (Organization):

Unit    SCRAM Code    RX CRIT    Initial PWR    Initial RX Mode    Current PWR    Current RX Mode
1    N    Y    100    Power Operation    100    Power Operation

Event Text

"This communication is intended to serve as a notification that the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has been informed of a petroleum spill within the site property. A slight sheen and odor that indicated a petroleum product has been released to a local creek within the owner controlled property. A petroleum spill from an unknown vehicle was discovered along the length of an entrance driveway and in a parking lot, which due to the local rain entered the storm water system. Due to the area affected along the driveway spill location, Ginna's spill remediation vendor has been contacted to assist with the cleanup. Petroleum absorbent booms have been placed in the creek and along driveway runoff locations to minimize any further introduction of the spilled product and to further protect the waterway."

The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.

Offline Frankie Love

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I was reading about the leak at VY when the Fox article mentioned this: "A transformer exploded at a nuclear power plant north of New York City, forcing an emergency shutdown of one of its reactors. No one was injured and no radioactive materials leaked."


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I work for entergy

VY had small piping leak, and Indian Point 2 had a tranformer explosion,,,,

Company news has not come out on these events yet.!!
« Last Edit: Nov 09, 2010, 06:25 by UGA Das Bulldog »

Offline Gamecock

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I work for entergy

VY had small piping leak, and Indian Point 2 had a tranformer explosion,,,,

Bunch of uneducated folks posting comments about it on Yahoo.

The key to the nuclear rennaissance is public education. 
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Offline HydroDave63

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Just goes to on Nukeworker, we do more (conjecturing and debating) before breakfast than most people do all day! ;)


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Bunch of uneducated folks posting comments about it on Yahoo.

The key to the nuclear rennaissance is public education. 
This doesn't help:

Has anyone ever hiked in the Adirondack Mountains and seen the "dead lakes" up there?  Acid rain.   Where does acid rain come from?  (Hint: Not nuclear).

Given the cost of continuing regulation under the Clean Air Act, Vermont will either be paying much more for brokered electricity (from nukes outside their state), or paying for scrubbers for their fossil waste emissions.

Another state has spent $5.3 BILLION on clean air act policies.  Vermont is going backwards, IMHO.

Sorry...let's not allow facts to cloud political agenda.   [soap]


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Thanks all for that input. Supposedly it happened this weekend in NY. I heard it on the radio from some people who think it is "NUCULER" energy so I did not want to take their word for it.

Offline HydroDave63

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Just shows that the media elite are not the only ones who jump to conclusions whenever the word 'nuclear' is injected into a conversation.  Have we met the enemy?

So you are appalled that an uninformed vague question cycled 200+ years of nuclear experience to post relevant answers?  No turning your Bobcat badge to the ears up position for you, young man!!


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LOL, it sure is fun to stir up the piranhas.


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:P ;) :) 8) [coffee]

:D  I did come in a little earlier than BZ's 12th prediction at #10.   :-X



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well, are a demonstrated overachiever,.... ;)
(Blush).  I'll behave and wait until lucky #13 post from now on.   8)

Offline HydroDave63

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:D  I did come in a little earlier than BZ's 12th prediction at #10.   :-X


It is good to see that you take pleasure in doing your Master's will ;)
« Last Edit: Nov 08, 2010, 01:55 by HydroDave63 »


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It is good to see that you take please in doing your Master's will ;)
LOL.   Always two there are:  A Master and an Apprentice.

(Still LOL)....Darth Maul.   Is that profile name taken? 


Separately, I continue to be amazed by Marssim's search/copy/paste skills.  I'm beginning to think he has a script that assigned classic postings to Hot Keys.   The BZ reference could be CNTL-ALT-F6, for example.   He's got some secret....we're watching you now Mar-Squared-I'm.  ;)

Offline HydroDave63

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Separately, I continue to be amazed by Marssim's search/copy/paste skills.  I'm beginning to think he has a script that assigned classic postings to Hot Keys.   The BZ reference could be CNTL-ALT-F6, for example.   He's got some secret....we're watching you now Mar-Squared-I'm.  ;)

Ever notice that Marssim's searches are in depth and nearly instantaneous, as if no human could aggregate THAT much chaos theory and file checking into one posting, never needing another cold beer or restroom break?

< changes the PowerPoint slide in the dimly lit virtual Nukeworker meeting hall

"Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to unveil our continuing DARPA project, spanning 3 decades of nuclear research and data aggregation...the

MAinframe RestrictedSearch SIMulator ... our finest artificial reality database search engine with human virtual reality features for ease of use. Originally coded in COBOL, that was found to be unwieldy and simply ran as a CP-M program on a modified C-64 until the advent of Nukeworker 1.0 ... "


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Ever notice that Marssim's searches are in depth and nearly instantaneous, as if no human could aggregate THAT much chaos theory and file checking into one posting, never needing another cold beer or restroom break?
I was thinking more along these lines:


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Oh my gosh. The ignorance of the people posting on that yahoo article is astounding. My favorite is the " no more nukes until nevada is covered in solar panels and every hill top has a wind mill... then maybe."

I wish I could go through life being blissfully ignorant.

I am convinced Marssim is a machine of some sort myself.
« Last Edit: Nov 08, 2010, 02:43 by JustinHEMI »


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By the way, why did the OP quit?

Sun Dog

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...and every hill top has a wind mill...

Soon after crossing into the Land of Entrapment (New Mexico) on a very recent road trip West I noticed a distant Mesa to the South that was topped with wind generators.  I almost shed a tear as I witnessed the ruination of what was once one of America's picturesque landscapes.


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