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Will I hear before medical?
« on: Jan 19, 2012, 06:34 »
I've been reading on here for the past few years and I have posted very little. I really have had nothing of value to add to any of the discussions. I appreciate having this forum and the knowledgeable posters that participate here. As you all know, information usually comes at a premium in this field. So thank you for helping me on my journey as it begins.

Now, I will get to my situation. I filled out the preliminary background check last week for TVA via the LexisNexis website. I am now scheduled to head to Bellefonte next week for my physical. In conjunction with the physical, I am also supposed to fill out and sign my PHQ paperwork. I believe once the PHQ paperwork is submitted my current employer will be contacted. I currently have a very good paying job but am very excited about the possibility of starting a new career in the field I have been chasing for some time. The problem is that I work with a fickle bunch and I'm quite sure that once they are contacted, I will be greeted at the front door with my things. This is obviously a risk I am willing to take to begin class as an SGPO.

However, I still have not heard back from the LexisNexis background check and none of my references have been contacted. So, now for my questions.

  1. Will I hear back from the LexisNexis check before my physical or at all?

  2. Will TVA contact my references before they hear back from the LexisNexis report?

  3. Will TVA actually contact my current employer before extending me an offer?

I'm sure I will get flamed on this and that someone has already answered this a thousand times. I'm a big boy I can handle that. I have searched the site numerous times for a similar question and haven't uncovered a thread dealing with this particular issue.  I appreciate any advice that is given and hopefully Graphic will have some insight into this situation. I have nothing to hide on my background check but I am still anxious since I haven't heard.  Hopefully, all will go smoothly and I will have many years to work in this industry and contribute to this forum. Good day, God bless, and Roll Tide!


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Re: Will I hear before medical?
« Reply #1 on: Jan 21, 2012, 03:06 »
Man it was such a great post till the whole "Roll Tide" thing at the end  :)    War Eagle!

Some utilities do use the Lexis Nexis background check for preliminary checks. I've never dealt with Lexis Nexis (except when I was taking law classes and used them for Legal Research) So I really can't give you an 'exact' reason as to why some utilities have started to do that. I can tell you that a LexisNexis background check really doesn't mean crap, procedure wise. The reason I say that is because there are so many procedures in place that require steps that sites such as LexisNexis wouldn't be able to provide. My theory (only a theory) is that they are using it as a tool to weed out the candidates that really don't have a chance. I can't tell you how many times I've had to tell someone that drove half way across the country they wouldn't be able to get a badge simply because of something that came up once they filled out their PHQ. So I imagine they may be using it to cut down on those instances especially if it is an important job. I would think if something bad enough came up through the LexisNexis check that they wouldn't schedule you to come in and fill out paperwork/physical.

I have worked with TVA a lot and never heard of them using LexisNexis. It has been about a year or more though that I've dealt with them though due to so many contract changes with TVA recently.

1) - I doubt you will hear back from the LexisNexis check unless there was negative information that came about.

2) - The background screeners that will end up doing your background will probably not even be on the same site as you. A lot of times these background screening companies are located at other plants and some are actual background screening companies that are used as a 3rd party in case of overload or tons of applicants.  Some of the bigger companies such as D&Z have their own background screening programs that are permitted by the NRC and what they do is complete the background screening process. In turn they send the results (They call it a "Good guy letter" ) of that background to access authorization of whatever site you are going to. They make the final decision as to whether or not to badge you based on urinalysis and all the other aspects of the background process. The people that do backgrounds make NO Decision on whether you are hireable or not.

3) - The background screeners will contact EVERY job you have had in the past 3 years or since your last access to a nuclear plant. So in other words if you were working at TVA and got laid off in October then you would have to list what you have been doing since that time. They will definitely contact your current job BEFORE you get extended an offer. That is part of the background process. They will basically be verifying that you have been there the time you said you were and then basically all the other questions are drug/alcohol related questions. Some companies do answer these questions if we send them a copy of your Consent Form. A lot of companies do not respond to these requests which can take the background screener a little longer. They have to give the company 3 days to respond. If they don't respond within 3 days then they will give you an opportunity to provide a Co-worker/Supervisor who could vouch for you or even layoff slip W-2s etc. There are a few options.

A lot of it will depend on whether or not you have had access to a nuclear plant before. If you have had access within the past year then references won't even be called. It's all according to your status as to what type of background check will be done on you. Either way you will not get a real answer to your question of whether you got in or not until the background process is complete and you have completed all assignments in regards to in-processing. (Training, physical, drug screens, respiratory, whatever it is they have you doing will all have to be completed before you will get a badge.

Hopefully this is somewhat readable. Having to type this on a phone .

Good luck let me know if you have anymore questions
« Last Edit: Jan 21, 2012, 03:08 by Graphic »

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Re: Will I hear before medical?
« Reply #2 on: Jan 21, 2012, 06:29 »
The Lexis/Nexis search is basically a rough filter.

If you show no unfavorable history on that, they will proceed with the regular process for granting access.  It costs a lot of money and takes some time to do an initial background check, plus the physical, testing, etc.  The Lexis/Nexis check is a quicker and easier way to determine if they need even bother to conduct the regular procedure.  I can't say what criteria that they use, so it is difficult to say how long it will take.  Normally a Lexis/Nexis search is pretty quick.

All your references - plus some that you didn't provide them - will be contacted.
"To be content with little is hard; to be content with much, impossible." - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach


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Re: Will I hear before medical?
« Reply #3 on: Jan 21, 2012, 08:38 »
The Lexis/Nexis search is basically a rough filter.

If you show no unfavorable history on that, they will proceed with the regular process for granting access.  It costs a lot of money and takes some time to do an initial background check, plus the physical, testing, etc.  The Lexis/Nexis check is a quicker and easier way to determine if they need even bother to conduct the regular procedure.  I can't say what criteria that they use, so it is difficult to say how long it will take.  Normally a Lexis/Nexis search is pretty quick.

All your references - plus some that you didn't provide them - will be contacted.

Definitely costs a lot for someone to go through the process. I haven't seen any new contracts as of late but some initial hires run upwards of $500. I think it was around 25 bucks for each mmpi test to be graded by a psych alone. Those quick interviews via webcam that last maybe 10 minutes typically run about  $85. Throw in the whole process and it adds up quick. Great info thanks I'd karma you if I knew how lol.


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Re: Will I hear before medical?
« Reply #4 on: Jan 21, 2012, 10:02 »
Thanks for the great info guys. I appreciate you taking the time to give me specific answers to each of my questions. It's definitely a tense time. Even without a salty past and nothing to hide, I still feel nervous. I've read several websites where LexisNexis has confused identities and reported false information to employers. I provided references on the LexisNexis survey but none of them have been contacted. That's what had me worried since it's been about a week and a half.  I know they will contact the references on the PHQ because the first time I was badged they did so. It's been since 2005 though, so I know things have changed a little. I didn't have the initial background check just the PHQ. Not sure if LexisNexis will ever contact the references or if they have already said "good to go."  I guess I will find out soon enough.  Thanks again for all your help. I'll let you know as things proceed.

And oh by the way, I threw in the "Roll Tide" just for Graphic. We've got "good 'uns" on both sides of that fight. 


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Re: Will I hear before medical?
« Reply #5 on: Jan 23, 2012, 12:58 »
Initial background clearance complete.  :) Now on to physical and PHQ later this week. Thanks again guys.


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Re: Will I hear before medical?
« Reply #6 on: Jan 24, 2012, 02:54 »
Congrats. Hope it works out well! And yeah there are always crappy fans on both sides of that debate lol.


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Re: Will I hear before medical?
« Reply #7 on: Feb 05, 2012, 05:25 »
I've been passed by background clearance and medical clearance. I've now been told all that is left is my nuclear clearance before I am giving a start date. The recruiter told me they were waiting on my psych eval to be processed. I turned in my PHQ when I had my medical but as far as I know none of my references or old jobs have been contacted. Will they wait and process my PHQ after I am given a start date? I'm not real sure where the process goes after I receive the nuclear clearance. What comes after that? Thanks in advance.


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Re: Will I hear before medical?
« Reply #8 on: Feb 06, 2012, 10:02 »
Hard to give you a definite answer simply because every plant in processes people a little different. If you are coming during an outage the screeners have tons of people to do clearances on. Some plants do try and have backgrounds completed before you arrive on site but it isn't guaranteed. So many variables.. Could come down to what they need at the time.. In other words if they need 50 pipe fitters ASAP then they get put on the front burner. You won't get a true "clearance" until background, ffd, training and psych results etc..are completed. So unless you are just someone they really need to be on site then I doubt your background will be completed until you arrive for in processing.


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Re: Will I hear before medical?
« Reply #9 on: Feb 22, 2012, 06:51 »
Just a quick update. Still haven't heard anything on nuclear clearance or start date. About to get the best of me with all the hurry up and wait. Got me a little nervous. Thanks again for everyone's help.


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Re: Will I hear before medical?
« Reply #10 on: Mar 04, 2012, 03:02 »
 :) Finally heard back on all clearances. Start date coming up week after next. Very excited and can't wait to start on this new journey. Thanks again for all the great information contained within the board. I will keep everyone updated on my progression through class. I'm sure I will have questions along the way and may come here just to vent frustrations or share triumphs. I hope you all have a great week and I will be seeing you soon.


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Re: Will I hear before medical?
« Reply #11 on: Mar 06, 2012, 06:52 »
Glad to know all went well. Trust me there are some guys here at turkey point who just left another nuke and are waiting for 2-3 weeks to be badged. Sometimes it just has to deal with te fact they bring in more people than they can support in access/processing/computer based training etc.. Good luck

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Re: Will I hear before medical?
« Reply #12 on: May 28, 2013, 02:45 »
Access can take awhile depending on your background, and what ever company does the checking....We have pinnacle...which  i do believe are mentally challenged.  But hey you guys have to love the SHRINK Cam
Comanche Peak Security.


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