Career Path > Resume & Interview
Interview Expenses
Hello everyone,
Is it a good idea to submit an interview expense form? I am just a little cautious about submitting any request that would cost the utility money. I don't want to scare them off is all.
my name is.....:
I would say it depends on the utility. It is usually stated that they will pay or you will pay prior to the interview from what I have experienced.
Of course you should.
--- Quote from: dtucker89 on Dec 02, 2010, 05:13 ---Hello everyone,
Is it a good idea to submit an interview expense form? I am just a little cautious about submitting any request that would cost the utility money. I don't want to scare them off is all.
--- End quote ---
Look at it this way:
A good supervisor knows the money isn't coming out of his/her own is more than happy to reimburse the money that did come out of your own pocket.
You don't want to work for the other kind of supervisor anyway,! ;)
I appreciate the responses. I want to submit an interview expense form due to the 600+ mile drive. That's about $95 in gas for me. Glad you guys cleared that up for me.
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