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"Under Consideration"
« on: Dec 09, 2010, 05:36 »
Hi All,

I applied for an entry-level I&C Tech position and am currently "under consideration" on Progress Energy's job submission status web page. I would think that since they are at least looking at me that is a good thing... I have over fourteen years working electrical/instrumentation/control systems, ranging from aircraft, R&D, steel mills, to 3.5 years in pharmaceuticals. I have worked as a simple technician, and worked my way up to being a field coordinator supervising electricians, automation guys, and metrology techs.Anyway, I have been reading a bit about the plant in the other thread and it seems like it would be a good place to work. What do you think my chances might be of getting in?


Steve Y.

Offline IRLFAN

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Re: "Under Consideration"
« Reply #1 on: Dec 10, 2010, 05:36 »
Would you quit with the "Simple" technician line already?

Did you take and pass all required tests? 

Did you have an interview?

Unless you can answer yes to both..  No make that all three questions above, I'd say your chances are slim.  If you can answer yes, I'd say that you have a good chance assuming there's nothing in your background that would disqualify you from attaining unescorted access.

Good luck, and keep us posted.

And I'm serious about that "Simple" stuff. ;)
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