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What percentage of workers are former navy?
--- Quote from: moochiebubble on Aug 15, 2004, 06:22 ---you forgot the darkside of the Navy ....... Aviators !!!!!!!!! moochiebubble
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Aviator? Do you meen a weapons specialist? Somone who worked on spec weapons?
Bubblehead- Class 73-05 Bainbridge MD / West Milton NY S3G 598 class boomer 6 years.
--- Quote from: Damad1 on Aug 05, 2004, 07:47 ---Just curious as to what percentage of workers were trained in the Navy and if so how many were sub or surface.
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I was a bubblehead, fast attack, ELT, etc. etc. etc. but I've been debriefed.
who has there best FOB story to tell, so many squids so little time.
FOB = Fresh OFF the BOAT. Scary huh :D
I did an LRB off of Key Largo once, does that count?
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