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Author Topic: Need Help! Ladies on site What is the Dress attire for Nuclear License Dinner?  (Read 11515 times)

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Palo Verde is having a dinner Sat night. What is the dress attire for the ladies? Any help would be appreciated> :)

Offline Frankie Love

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Palo Verde is having a dinner Sat night. What is the dress attire for the ladies? Any help would be appreciated> 

Messages like this are why I became a Gold Member!

I would suggest jeans and a cowboy hat if it's in Buckeye.


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It is a formal occasion, so suits for men and the appropriate analog for women. In the past, I would have said dress, but I think that is sexist or something now.


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Way to keep it classy Incline... pretty sure THAT comment should be flagged as abusive by the site moderators. That's in the job description, right?

I believe the professional description would be business casual dress for such a work-related outing. Maybe even dressy causal if it's less formal & more social than business.

Sad truth is, with co-workers like Incline around, it's safer/smarter for us female Nuke workers to NOT attend social outings like this dinner. All it takes is a a few too many Good Ol' Boy whisky drinks for jack wagons like him to get too friendly & forget you're a CO-WORKER.

Good luck & make sure to leave long before the 3rd round of drinks. That little secret will preserve your sanity & professional reputation.


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Uh this question has ZERO to do with being a Nukeworker.

Offline Laundry Man

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No it might not be Mike, but it may be a Nukeworker spouse/other type of question.  My spouse would know how to dress.  She would probably be telling me what attire is appropriate. ;)

Offline Marlin

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Uh this question has ZERO to do with being a Nukeworker.

Need Help! Ladies on site What is the Dress attire for Nuclear License Dinner?

More nukeworker related than some postings, "I'm just sayin' ".  8) [coffee]

Offline Duke Nuker

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Good Grief,

What is wrong with you chuckle heads? She is part of the nukeworker community.  Maybe I have been misinformed, but I thought spouses and significant others were included here.  And I thought there was no such thing as a dumb question? She asked a legitmate question and for help.  These are the answers she gets?  Maybe y'all forget that we are all in this together, but then maybe you have never had to ask a question.

Wear a nice dress that you would wear for a formal occasion.  I have been the photographer for some of our license dinners......and still a nukeworker.
Is it time for coffee yet?

Offline techtoolong

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Just to set this straight is the occasion formal or informal ?  By dress does one mean cocktail dress or evening gown?
No lady wants to be the only one in a evening gown in a roomful of cocktail dresses or vice versa.  This is not a stupid question.  I thought this site was here  to help people not belittle every newcomer.
« Last Edit: Jan 27, 2011, 10:15 by techtoolong »


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Um, what part of my answer was confusing or belittling? It was on topic and answered the question.

My license dinner was formal and suits were expected. The women wore dresses or pant suits.

I apologize for my short coming, but I am not versed enough in the types of dresses available for selection to guide you further.

You people will make mountains out of every tiny mole hill, huh?

/end thread.
« Last Edit: Jan 27, 2011, 12:54 by JustinHEMI »

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Um, what part of my answer was confusing or belittling? It was on topic and answered the question.

My license dinner was formal and suits were expected. The women wore dresses or pant suits.

I apologize for my short coming, but I am not versed enough in the types of dresses available for selection to guide you further.

You people will make mountains out of every tiny mole hill, huh?

/end thread.

I think you were the exception, and provided a reasonable answer.  ;)

I don't have any direct suggestions, because I don't attend company parties / events outside of work, so I have no experience.

I would however, reecommend contacting the spouse / SO of a more experienced coworker for tips - kind of like the navy wives organization....
« Last Edit: Jan 27, 2011, 03:15 by HouseDad »
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Offline techtoolong

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I was not talking about JustinHEMI's post.  The fish net one or the" Uh this question has ZERO to do with being a Nukeworker."

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Welcome back Duke N.
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