A video for training people on how to conduct a pre-job briefing? It's not a complicated thing to deal with. The best generalized format I've run into I learned while working for the CSX railroad. They use the acronym SHEPUF.
S - introduce yourself and review the SCOPE OF WORK for the job at hand.
H - review the HAZARDS you anticipate while doing the work. ALL the hazards! In a nuclear invironment, this would include the radiological conditions at the job site as well as travel paths.
E - make sure you have the necessary EQUIPMENT for the job and that it is functional and the necessary safety features are in working order.
P - identify the requisite PPE and ensure you have it.
U - do you UNDERSTAND? Are there any questions?
F - FOLLOW UP on any questions that may arise during the briefing.
Of course, make sure you pass around the signature sheet and ensure everyone at the briefing has signed it.
Too many people clutter up their briefings with unnecesarry information. The briefer needs to control the content of the briefing and not go chasing after some red herring. You also need to make sure your crew is paying attention during the briefing. If you keep this simple acronym in mind, you can handle any pre-job briefing that comes along.