Facility & Company Information > Crystal River
Fire at the fossil plant
Just saw some pictures from the transformer fire. Does anyone have the particulars on this? Pretty scary stuff. The only thing that separates my little cubicle from our main unit transformers is some sheet rock and some corrugated metal.
Sun Dog:
--- Quote from: xobxdoc on Jan 28, 2011, 06:30 ---Just saw some pictures from the transformer fire. Does anyone have the particulars on this? Pretty scary stuff. The only thing that separates my little cubicle from our main unit transformers is some sheet rock and some corrugated metal.
--- End quote ---
That won't be enough to protect you if they blow. Some utilities have plans to retrofit their transformer yards with blast walls. Initially that plan gives the employees great comfort believing that their employer is taking steps to protect them from the 'what if'. Then, they realize the blast shields are really engineered to protect the hardware (adjacent transformers) from damage more than the software (people). I believe there are also some equipment monitoring capabilities that can provide indications of a problem before it reaches critical mass so that corrective actions can be implemented and an event avoided.
Catostrophic failure of transformers have prompted some interim protective measures. Reinforcing windows that face the transformers; limiting access to the transformers themselves; installing temporary blast shields on exposed facilities occupied by employees (temporary outage support fab shops, break rooms and offices).
You may want to suggest that your site safety committee table this worthy discussion some time.
Frankie Love:
--- Quote ---Just saw some pictures from the transformer fire. Does anyone have the particulars on this? Pretty scary stuff. The only thing that separates my little cubicle from our main unit transformers is some sheet rock and some corrugated metal.
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Palo Verde 1989...unit Three...my trailer was within 100 feet of the transformer. When it exploded, the force knocked me out of my chair and oil went everywhere. I'm still surprised Utilities don't build bunkers around those things.
--- Quote from: Frankie Love on Jan 28, 2011, 09:59 --- I'm still surprised Utilities don't build bunkers around those things.
--- End quote ---
same reason stop lights don't go up at an intersection until X number of collisions or Y number of fatalities.
Anyone have pictures of the Siberian hydro plant that flooded out after the main transformer explosion ruptured the wall and adjacent penstocks?
Frankie Love:
Popular Science or Mechanics had an article last year about it. Google it. I've seen the pictures...what a mess!
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