Career Path > Resume & Interview
Passed POSS but didn't get interview
Hello everyone last week I took and passed the poss exam trying to get hired as an operator for nextera/fpl in Miami fl. Today I got an email saying that I was not selected for the position. I don't understand why since I passed the test I have a degree in mathematics with a high gpa. I could understand if they interviewed me and I sucked but they never even got to talk to me personally. Does anyone know a little more on the hiring process and could tell me why they didn't give me an interview?
Everything I've gathered from the searching and roaming around on the forum is that this industry is all about timing.
Don't let it get you down that you weren't selected this time, just keep trying.
Good luck to ya, I'm in the same boat right now, trying to get hired on somewhere. Ive taken the MASS and passed, haven't done the POSS yet, but I foresee that happening here in the near future.
If another position opens will I have to retest again or does the one I took still count? For that matter can I apply to another plant with the same test results?
When I took the MASS the instructions said that the test results transfer over, so you dont have to take it more than once. Im sure the POSS is the same.
--- Quote from: Luis_v2005 on Jan 31, 2011, 06:11 ---If another position opens will I have to retest again or does the one I took still count? For that matter can I apply to another plant with the same test results?
--- End quote ---
Most places will make you retake it.
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