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Author Topic: Recent Graduate with Nuclear Tech. Associate's Degree  (Read 14659 times)

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As of December, 2010, I am officially a graduate from LTC's Nuclear Tech program in WI.  My internship through LTC with Kewaunee Power station has allowed me to gain minor experience, but the knowledge I retained from it helped greatly.  My question is, where can I go from here?  Ideally, I want to pursue Radiation Protection.  I know the path (Jr.-Sr.etc.), but am having a difficult time finding anyone to hire a JR these days.  I am young, only 23 and am willing to travel as long as the job is permanent.  Anyone have a good finger to point me in some direction??

Sun Dog

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Re: Recent Graduate with Nuclear Tech. Associate's Degree
« Reply #1 on: Dec 29, 2010, 01:06 »
As of December, 2010, I am officially a graduate from LTC's Nuclear Tech program in WI.  My internship through LTC with Kewaunee Power station has allowed me to gain minor experience, but the knowledge I retained from it helped greatly.  My question is, where can I go from here?  Ideally, I want to pursue Radiation Protection.  I know the path (Jr.-Sr.etc.), but am having a difficult time finding anyone to hire a JR these days.  I am young, only 23 and am willing to travel as long as the job is permanent.  Anyone have a good finger to point me in some direction??

Welcome aboard and good luck!

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Re: Recent Graduate with Nuclear Tech. Associate's Degree
« Reply #2 on: Dec 30, 2010, 09:31 »

I've checked into Zion, and apparently (according to the all knowing internet) it is now owned by Exelon Corp.  But, again, they require generally 3-5+ years experience for all posistions available.  I took proactive steps towards this issue and emailed Exelon HR directly, explaining myself as a recent graduate; resume attached.  I am just finishing up my internship at Kewaunee Power Station and am all set to work the upcoming outage here with Bartlett.  My goal is just to find a house job somewhere.  If anyone has any information at all, please feal free to reply!!!

Thanks MARSSIM for the tip!  Hopefully it helps!

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Re: Recent Graduate with Nuclear Tech. Associate's Degree
« Reply #3 on: Dec 30, 2010, 09:54 »

Am I the only person on this forum to notice that a very small quantity of its users actually leave advice?  I am sure there are many reasons that people don't reply, but look at the ratio of "Viewed to Replies" on ANY post.  There can't possibly be 100+ times as many people that have no relevant information to add as those that do.

As I have seen many of you refer us as a "NUCLEAR Family" (pun intended? ROFL), share any and all information you may have so we may grow as a family.  Don't be afraid to share ANY knowledge or experience.  There is ALWAYS someone else who can learn from it too!!!!!

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Re: Recent Graduate with Nuclear Tech. Associate's Degree
« Reply #4 on: Dec 30, 2010, 10:50 »

Am I the only person on this forum to notice that a very small quantity of its users actually leave advice?  I am sure there are many reasons that people don't reply, but look at the ratio of "Viewed to Replies" on ANY post.  There can't possibly be 100+ times as many people that have no relevant information to add as those that do.

As I have seen many of you refer us as a "NUCLEAR Family" (pun intended? ROFL), share any and all information you may have so we may grow as a family.  Don't be afraid to share ANY knowledge or experience.  There is ALWAYS someone else who can learn from it too!!!!!

Young Padawan when you can snatch the pebble from the hand of a Nuclear Master (mixed metaphors intended  [coffee] ) you may become worth the Quatloos  [2cents] of a disembodied corporate being :old: who will free you when you prove your worth. Though there are many Nuclear Masters  :old: on this site
 they pratice different styles of nuclear arts and there are many young padawans such a yourself who
 sit on the side of the Dojo to watch and learn. In your journey for the truth and knowledge patience is
 a virtue [chill] that will prevent annoying  :foot: the masters  :old: .
« Last Edit: Dec 30, 2010, 10:51 by Marlin »

Sun Dog

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Re: Recent Graduate with Nuclear Tech. Associate's Degree
« Reply #5 on: Dec 30, 2010, 10:56 »

I've checked into Zion, and apparently (according to the all knowing internet) it is now owned by Exelon Corp. 

Do more research to learn about the opportunities at Zion.  Start with your Bartlett connections.


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Re: Recent Graduate with Nuclear Tech. Associate's Degree
« Reply #6 on: Dec 30, 2010, 11:27 »
In addition to working your Bartlett contacts, I would also seriously consider contacting D.Z. Atlantic about their opportunities. My personal experience is that they will pay you MUCH better, give you more "time earned" towards becoming a Sr. Tech for your studies (which Bartlett is very hesitant to do), and seem to appreciate & cultivate their Jr. Techs more (paying bonuses, better per diem, better communication when you call, etc.).

After considerable coursework towards getting into the RP field, Bartlett would accept my resume, but would not give me any credit for all that training & knowledge I had accrued. Not one iota. With them, I would've been an overworked & UNDERpaid Jr. for six years. D.Z. has kept me a lot busier, better paid & I'm looking at 18.1 in only 4 years... maybe even less if they keep me working this much. D.Z. has always had answers for me when I called, or called me back with an answer within the hour. Their coordinators are more helpful & they're gaining more & more contracts each year.

Being a Jr. Tech is not glamorous, but its really nice to work for a company who appreciates you nonetheless.

Good luck!   +K

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Re: Recent Graduate with Nuclear Tech. Associate's Degree
« Reply #7 on: Dec 30, 2010, 12:45 »
In addition to working your Bartlett contacts, I would also seriously consider contacting D.Z. Atlantic about their opportunities. My personal experience is that they will pay you MUCH better, give you more "time earned" towards becoming a Sr. Tech for your studies (which Bartlett is very hesitant to do), and seem to appreciate & cultivate their Jr. Techs more (paying bonuses, better per diem, better communication when you call, etc.).

Well that all depends on where your loyalty is. If you're loyal to Bartlett they will get you work. If you're loyal to Atlantic they will get you work. Making a good impression with the utilities you work for is even better. If you work hard and show your worth the utilities will want you back.

From my experience so far, you are going to have to put your time in to become a senior to get a house job. None the less there are ways to get your resume out there, but it's like fishing, you may throw everything you got and not get a bite.

Here is a website that will help

Good Luck out there and listen to these guys some of them know what they're talking about.

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Re: Recent Graduate with Nuclear Tech. Associate's Degree
« Reply #8 on: Dec 30, 2010, 12:55 »
 No need for the [spank] . (LOL) My patience is not what is being tested here; it is my faith in my fellow Nuclear family members.  But, nonetheless, thank you for your input.


 [thanks]  I'll be looking into Atlantic for sure.  I've been researching everything I can as time allows. 

If anyone has any Company suggestions like these, please let me know.  As I said before, I am young and able to travel, so there is essentially very little keeping me around home. 

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Re: Recent Graduate with Nuclear Tech. Associate's Degree
« Reply #9 on: Dec 30, 2010, 01:24 »
My patience is not what is being tested here; it is my faith in my fellow Nuclear family members. 

   A thick skin and a sense of humor does help.  [dowave]

   Scan the companies posted here on NukeWorker, network as much as possible, get an outage schedule with the list of who has the contracts at various sites. Go to the various DOE facility web sites they all list available jobs, use search function, use search function, use search function, and be somewhat professional on open forums as many managers who hire monitor this site if not post.

   Most of what I just mentioned can be done right here on NukeWorker but many of those who can and have helped have seen a continous stream of requests for help and information sooooo, did I mention use the search function.  ;)


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Re: Recent Graduate with Nuclear Tech. Associate's Degree
« Reply #10 on: Dec 30, 2010, 04:58 »
When I read your post the one phrase that caught my eye:
"...and am willing to travel as long as the job is permanent."

I assume you meant willing to move/relocate because by definition "to travel" is to not be permanent.

The most experience to be had is on the road. You will learn the good, bad, and ugly of an industry by being dependent on yourself and others,  out of your comfort zone.    (I did make an assumption that you were single and without dependents.)
The more diverse experience you have the more you will enjoy the course you decide to pursue.  Radiation protection is a great line but what if chemistry turns out to be your favorite? The best way to get good answers is to ask good questions, and they are all good questions.  :)

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Re: Recent Graduate with Nuclear Tech. Associate's Degree
« Reply #11 on: Jan 03, 2011, 10:42 »

Yes, by travel I do mean relocate.  I apologize for any confusion.  I do not want to jump from outage to outage.  I know this is a path that most do in fact take, but I can and will not.  I am looking for a steady full-time job (as rare as that is to find for an entry level).  I am certain of the difficulties that lay before me, but am upto the challenge and am able to prove myself in many ways.  Will reply with more soon.. Have to go for now..

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Re: Recent Graduate with Nuclear Tech. Associate's Degree
« Reply #12 on: Jan 03, 2011, 02:42 »

Thank you for the very valuable info.  I will be sending them my resume as soon as the work day is over.  If anyone else hears of any JR RCT/RP jobs available, could you please let me know asap???  Thank you everyone for your input!  I would still be trudging through google without it! [clap] [clap] [clap] [clap] [clap]

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Re: Recent Graduate with Nuclear Tech. Associate's Degree
« Reply #13 on: Jan 03, 2011, 05:19 »
Don't forget to look into the major DOE sites. I have worked at three major sites. SRS, NTS (now NNSS) and INL. while no sub-contractor is guaranteed a long term job, I have been able to work at these sites for long periods of time. about an average of two years each. and been offered house positions which I was not ready to take at the time.

It can be harder to get junior jobs there but they do happen
« Last Edit: Jan 03, 2011, 05:21 by Smart People »
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Re: Recent Graduate with Nuclear Tech. Associate's Degree
« Reply #14 on: Jan 04, 2011, 12:01 »

Am I the only person on this forum to notice that a very small quantity of its users actually leave advice?  I am sure there are many reasons that people don't reply, but look at the ratio of "Viewed to Replies" on ANY post.  There can't possibly be 100+ times as many people that have no relevant information to add as those that do.

This probably isn't necessary, but...

All sorts of people read these forums.  This being the "getting in" forum, many people seeking to "get in" are included.  They don't have the experience, might add some relevant information or might just be reading to pick up some useful information from what has been provided.

You wouldn't want everyone posting something unless they knew what they were talking about.  When incorrect or misleading information is post, the question takes a back seat to the smiting of the mis-informant.  It's frustrating to not receive an answer (and there are many no reply threads), but sometimes no answer is better than an unhelpful response.

Then there are other questions that have been answered plenty times over, in which a search function is often suggested.  Fortunately you seem to know how to use the internet to your advantage.

So in an effort to avoid an unhelpful or misleading post, I'll suggest that you keep an eye out for any opportunities that get you experience towards Senior.  While your working away and gaining experience, seek out those opportunities to go house.  These will inevitably come as an experienced Senior.

Good luck.
"Life is pleasant.  Death is peaceful.
It's the transition that's troublesome."  -Asimov

Sun Dog

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Re: Recent Graduate with Nuclear Tech. Associate's Degree
« Reply #15 on: Jan 04, 2011, 06:40 »
As of December, 2010, I am officially a graduate from LTC's Nuclear Tech program in WI.  My internship through LTC with Kewaunee Power station has allowed me to gain minor experience, but the knowledge I retained from it helped greatly.  My question is, where can I go from here?  Ideally, I want to pursue Radiation Protection.  I know the path (Jr.-Sr.etc.), but am having a difficult time finding anyone to hire a JR these days.  I am young, only 23 and am willing to travel as long as the job is permanent.  Anyone have a good finger to point me in some direction??

Check your PMs.

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Re: Recent Graduate with Nuclear Tech. Associate's Degree
« Reply #16 on: Jan 04, 2011, 11:10 »

Yes, by travel I do mean relocate.  I apologize for any confusion.  I do not want to jump from outage to outage.  I know this is a path that most do in fact take, but I can and will not.  I am looking for a steady full-time job (as rare as that is to find for an entry level).  I am certain of the difficulties that lay before me, but am upto the challenge and am able to prove myself in many ways.  Will reply with more soon.. Have to go for now..

D.O.E is always an option with a 2 year degree.  Most sites will give you credit for the degree. The only downside at the moment might all the ARA techs at the sites.  Most of these techs were hired with stimulus money and a large number will be leaving in the near future  ( ~12 months).  I suggest you touch base with Eberline at Hanford just to get a feel.

105KW :)

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Re: Recent Graduate with Nuclear Tech. Associate's Degree
« Reply #17 on: Jan 04, 2011, 11:28 »

You are definitely correctly.  I admit I was incorrect in my statements.  I am "over fluent" with numbers and when I saw that almost all of the forums had many more views than replies, I ignored the reasons and acted on the numbers. Thank you for the clarity.

Does anybody have any contacts at any DOE sites?  I am also unsure of what or who these DOE sites are.  Can someone clarify everything that is DOE please?

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Re: Recent Graduate with Nuclear Tech. Associate's Degree
« Reply #18 on: Jan 04, 2011, 11:56 »

You are definitely correctly.  I admit I was incorrect in my statements.  I am "over fluent" with numbers and when I saw that almost all of the forums had many more views than replies, I ignored the reasons and acted on the numbers. Thank you for the clarity.

Does anybody have any contacts at any DOE sites?  I am also unsure of what or who these DOE sites are.  Can someone clarify everything that is DOE please?

You have PM.


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