For positive ethernet connection CW is the only guaranteed mode of communication (or any mode associated with CW ... like RTTY, etc). Voice eats a lot of band width and requires large power input (not to mention a good antenna) for solid communication. Interference more easily disrupts voice comm's (re: HF).
[1]For (most, particularly foot) mobile operations
low power operations (mostly with a battery source with an improvised antenna ... typically) are required. Which is well suited for CW.
[1] I can reach the other side of the world and back with 1 - 5 watt. Try that with voice ops. In addition all of my gear is homemade or
homebrewed. That equals great value for my efforts. Of course you do not have to build your own gear. But, it sure is fun.
For those that choose too learn CW I recommend the following:
The Art & Skill of Radio Telegraphy
3rd Edition
Official Download Site
A Manual For Learning, Using, Mastering And Enjoying
The International Morse Code As A Means Of Communication
William G. Pierpont N0HFF
"What Hath God Wrought!"
"For those who are interested in telegraphy, for those who would like to learn it,
for those who love it, and for those who want to improve their skills in it."
Official Download Site
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Last edit: April 20, 2002
Adobe PDF File (948KB) So, to summarize. If you want to have daily/weekly/monthly net operations that will get through in the most difficult situations CW is the way to go.
QRP (low power operations) is not required ... but sure is fun and less expensive.
Sometime next year I hope to get back to a lot more HAM radio'in. If you want to work some voice or what not I can be available. Count me in, next year.
[1] Page 9; The Art and Skill of Radio-Telegraphy